- That's rather an effective use of color. 這種使用顏色的手法效果相當好。
- This country lacks an effective party of the centre. 這個國家缺少一個能起作用的中立黨派。
- Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising. 商業電視是有效的廣告宣傳工具。
- The writer has spoiled an otherwise good story by striving after an effect. 作者因為刻意強調效果而毀壞了一個本來很好的故事。
- So far we have not find an effective way to cure aids. 我們迄今尚未找到治療艾滋病的有效辦法。
- He is the most effective writer of the editorial department. 他是編輯部的筆杆子。
- His passionate speech had an effect on our emotions. 他的熱情的演講打動了我們的感情。
- This car polish is an effective shield against rust. 這種汽車上光蠟很有防鏽作用。
- He compounded various ingredients into an effective drug. 他將各種成分混合成一種有效的藥物。
- He was an effective supporter of reform. 他是改革的有力支持者。
- We found an effective way to control the sand. 我們找到一種治沙的有效辦法。
- Paraquat is an effective and widely used herbicide. 百草枯是一種高效能除草劑。
- This has proved an effective preventive. 這種葯證明是很有效的預防劑。
- Humor, an effective ingredient of a speech. 幽默,演講中效果極佳的一部分。
- It's an effective way to maintain soil fertility. 這是保持土壤肥力的一個有效辦法。
- The writer attempted to explore an effective way to develop advanced culture by applying Marxist philosophic theory. 本文試圖運用馬克思主義哲學原理,探索發展先進文化的有效途徑。
- Television is an effective means of communication. 電視是一種有效的通訊手段。
- The campaign needs an effective coordinator. 這場運動需要一個強有力的協調人。
- Humidity - has an effect on the freq.'s as well. 空氣濕度-同樣對頻率有效果影響。
- This drug has an effect on your whole system. 這種葯對你的全身機體都有作用。