令人大為驚奇的 very surprising, especially in a way that makes you feel pleasure or admiration
令人高興的; 使人快樂的 very pleasant or enjoyable
surprising greatly;
"she does an amazing amount of work"
"the dog was capable of astonishing tricks"
inspiring awe or admiration or wonder;
"New York is an amazing city"
"the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight"
"the awesome complexity of the universe"
"this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath"
"Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
Just look at it. Isn't it amazing! 你看看。真叫人驚嘆!
We listened to her amazing story with rapt attention. 我們全神貫注地傾聽她講的驚人故事。
It was amazing that he knew nothing about the event. 他對這個事件毫不知情,真讓人感到詫異。
He had a series of amazing adventures after he was flushed down the toilet. 被衝進馬桶后,他經歷了一連串的奇妙冒險。
In the Olympic Games, Liu Xiang ran with amazing speed and won the first place. 在奧運會上,劉翔跑得飛快,以驚人的速度贏得了第一。