- Espousing or reflecting values that are different from those of the establishment or mainstream: an alternative newspaper;alternative greeting cards. 我之所以傾向於認為它是第二個釋義是因為這家報紙報道的內容是「他是同性戀」,這應該是屬於小報範圍。
- I had no alternative but to accept the offer. 我除了接受該項提議之外,別無選擇。
- Her speech in Parliament was falsified by the newspapers. 她在議會裡的發言被報紙歪曲了。
- I'll have no alternative but to go with you. 我除了跟你走外別無選擇。
- The newspapers played up sensational social news. 各報大肆渲染聳人聽聞的社會新聞。
- The newspapers glorified their heroic deeds. 報紙稱頌了他們的英雄事迹。
- Please find alternative means of transport. 請另外找一個運輸方法。
- We have to get rid of these old newspapers. 我們必須把這些舊報紙處理掉。
- There appears to be no alternative. 似乎沒有別的選擇。
- The newspapers wrote him off as a failure. 報章都把他說成是失敗者。
- Newspapers are delivered every day. 報紙每天都送來。
- Newspapers love to dig up scandal. 報紙就是愛把醜事兒揭出來。
- Have you got an alternative suggestion? 你有沒有其他建議?
- The government's control over the newspapers has loosened in recent years. 近年來政府對報紙的控制已經變鬆了。
- Disillusion voter want an alternative to the two main parties. 失望的選民需要一個黨派以取代這兩個大黨。
- We have no alternative, but to do it. 我們別無選擇,只能做了。
- Serious newspapers do not cater to people's love of scandal. 嚴肅報紙不去迎合人們對醜聞的愛好。
- We have no alternative but to dismiss you. 我們只好辭退你,別無其他辦法。
- He has subscribed for6 newspapers and10 magazines. 我們決定訂6種報紙和10種雜誌。
- They had no alternative in the matter. 在這件事上,他們沒有選擇的餘地。