alteration zones的用法和樣例:
- The mineralization and the alteration types are clearly distributed around the hornblende quartz diorite porphyry intrusion.
其礦化圍繞含眼球狀石英斑晶的角閃石石英閃長玢岩及其環帶狀蝕變帶分佈。 - Each alteration zone distributed symmetricallytaking orebody for the zonal centre,and to the relations of gradual change and transition amongthe each zone.
alteration zones的相關資料:
Alteration in family processes
alteration-type gold deposit
Alteration of chromosome number
alteration of port of departure
alteration of monitoring system
Alteration in bowel elimination
alteration of original judgement
Alteration information detection
alteration information extraction
alteration remote sensing anomaly