- In sb.'s hands in the hands of sb. 在某人的支配照顧,監護。
- It is too dark outside to allow of walking. 外面太黑了,不能出去散步。
- The facts allow of no other explanation. 這些事實不允許有其他解釋。
- The facts allow of only one explanation. 這些事實只能有一種解釋。
- Knock [wallop] the(living)daylights out of sb. 將某人打得腦袋開花
- Pledge the health [success] of sb. 為某人的健康[成功]而乾杯
- allow of sb.'s authority 承認某人的權威
- Take the mike[mickey, micky] out of sb. [英口]取笑某人,戲弄[挖苦]某人;殺某人的威風
- Tighten the noose around [round] the neck of sb. 拉緊某人脖子上的絞索
- Lick the fat from the beard of sb. [廢]先發制人,使別人無法取得成果或利益
- Take over [inherit] the mantle of sb. 繼承某人的衣缽
- Such conduct allows of no excuse. 這樣的行為是不容辯解的。
- Beat [knock, scare] the bejabbers out of sb. 狠狠揍某人一頓
- The stream is too shallow to allow of boating. 河太淺,不能行船。
- Of course, the effects depend on the C-NCAP's authority. 當然,效果取決於C-NCAP的權威性。
- In memory of serving to remind people of sb. 作為對某人的紀念。
- The child has a weekly allowance of five dollars. 這孩子每星期有五元零用錢。
- In one's favor -- to the advantage of sb. 對某人有利。
- These facts allow of many possible interpretation. 這些事實允許有多種解釋。
- To infringe upon the right of sb. 侵犯某人的權利。