- All cancelled Certificate of Cover must be recorded on the Barclay Card IT system daily as well. 每天還應把當日解除的保單授權書保存到巴克萊銀行的信息系統。
- Indeed, it was one eventful day... my friends said that eventhough my trips were all cancelled, I was given such a chance... and I didnt have to spend much leh! 無疑,這是重要的一天,我朋友說,儘管我計劃多次的追旭之旅結果都被迫取消,現我終於有機會見著了。。且我還不必花費那麼多。。。。。。
- All cancellation requests will be authorised and processed by Barclay Card. 所有解除申請須由巴克萊銀行授權及處理。
- All cancellation requests and their respective authorisation will be kept by Barclay Card. 所有解除申請及相應授權由巴克萊銀行保存。
- In all likelihood (ie Very probably) the meeting will be cancelled. 會議十之八九要取消。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 這些數字的總和是多少?
- Tell me about all your doings in London. 告訴我你在倫敦所做的一切。
- If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job. 如果我們大家都動手,一會兒就可以幹完這件事。
- We all have our little weaknesses. 我們都有些小缺點。
- All cancellations or adjustments of executed customer orders must be reviewed and approved by a listed principal of the FDM who is also an associated person. 所有的取消或者調整必須由一個交易商的主要負責人審查和通過。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他們對著新生嬰兒愛撫地輕聲細語。
- All that preparation was for nothing because the visit was cancelled. 因為訪問取消了,一切準備工作都白費了。
- He had been bumming around the park all day. 他在公園裡盪了一整天了。
- She made us all laugh with her zany tricks. 她那些滑稽的惡作劇逗得我們都大笑起來。
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那隻死鹿的半邊身子都被子彈擊中。
- They all maintained a reverent silence. 他們都保持肅靜。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 強盜們對我們加以各種侮辱。
- All John's kith and kin came to his wedding. 約翰所有的親戚朋友都來參加他的婚禮。
- I disavow all responsibility for you. 我不承認對你有任何責任。
- With one stroke, he had cancelled all his accounts. 他把所有的帳目一筆勾銷。