- The study aimed on the selection of embryonic callus of Kalanchoe blossbeldiana, the induction of embryoid, morphogenesis of embryoid and regeneration. 研究了長壽花胚性愈傷組織的篩選,胚狀體的誘導發生、發育過程及植株再生。
- The membrane permeability and the content of proline and soluble sugar of Kalanchoe blossfediana leaves were significantly higher than those of the control under serious stress. 結果表明土壤乾旱脅迫下,與對照相比,相對含水量下降,膜透性、可溶性槍和脯氨酸上升。
- The daily changes of photosynthetic rate in cotton(C 3 plant) and maize(C 4 plant) show double-peak curves, while Kalanchoe pinnata pers(CAM plant) shows single-peak curve. 在夏季高溫條件下 ,棉花 (C3 植物 )、玉米 (C4植物 )的光合速率日變化曲線均為雙峰型 ; 落地生根(CAM植物 )的光合速率日變化曲線為單峰型。
- Kalanchoe laciniata (L.) Pers. 伽蘭菜
- Kalanchoe laciniata Pers. 伽蘭菜
- A succulent perennial herb (Kalanchoe tomentosa) native to Madagascar, having usually oblong obovate leaves covered with a dense silvery felt and surrounded by a rusty brown crenate margin. 熊獵植物:原產於馬達加斯加的多年生肉質草本植物(月兔耳伽藍菜屬),通常有長方形倒卵形葉片,葉片上覆蓋著稠密的銀色氈狀物並有深褐鋸齒狀邊緣
- The four physiological indexes in Kalanchoe blossfediana including RWC,membrane permeability,content of proline and soluble sugar were chosen to investigate the relashionship between the physiological characteristics under gradual drought stress of soil. 為探討在土壤逐漸乾旱脅迫過程中,長壽花生理生化特性與抗旱性的關係,選取相對含水量、膜透性、可溶性糖和脯氨酸4項指標,研究了其動態變化規律。
- Ohba, H. 2003. Taxonomic studies on the Asian species of the genus Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) 1. Kalanchoe spathulata and its allied species. Journal of Japanese Botany 78(5): 247-256. 乾脆貼上日本人大場秀章的小種處理的文章(雖說是小種,卻比台灣植物志的種大多了!)
- [Latin] Kalanchoe blossfeldiana var. 長壽花
- In vitro Rapid Propagation of Kalanchoe synsepala 趣蝶蓮的離體快速繁殖
- Kalanchoe blossfeldiana with red flowers 紅花長壽花
- Abstraction of the active protein from kalanchoe pinnata 三七活性蛋白的分離及浸提液的篩選
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Kalanchoe tomentosa 褐斑伽藍的組織培養與快速繁殖
- Tissue Cultuae in vitro of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana cv.variegata 銀邊落地生根不同組織和器官的離體培養(簡報)
- Studies on Propagation and Rooting Rate of Kalanchoe blossfeldian in vitro 提高長壽花試管苗增殖和生根率的研究
- Studies on Tissue Culture and Artificial Seeds of Kalanchoe bossfeldiana 長壽花組織培養與人工種子的研究
- Embryoid Induction and Regeneration in Callus of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana 長壽花胚性愈傷組織的誘導及胚狀體再生
- Direct Somatic Embryogenesis and Shoot Formation from Cultured Young Leaf of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana 從長壽花嫩葉直接誘導體細胞胚和出芽
- Research of Different Culture Conditions on Plantlet Regeneration from Leaves of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana 不同培養條件下長壽花葉片再生體系的構建
- Research on the Technology of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana with White Flower Tissue Culture and Rapid Reproduction 白花長壽花組培快繁技術研究