- Her inability to pay the rents caused trouble. 她無力付房租引起了麻煩。
- The invention of aircraft caused a revolution in our ways of travelling. 飛機的發明引起了旅行方式的巨大改變。
- You have caused trouble to all of us . 你給我們大家都惹來了麻煩。
- Her desire for domination over the others caused trouble in the family. 她想要支配別人,引起了家庭糾紛。
- You've caused trouble to all of us. 你給我們大家都惹來了麻煩。
- Her desire to dominate the family have cause trouble. 她想控制家庭的願望已引起麻煩。
- Causing trouble or anxiety; worrisome. 令人煩惱的引起煩憂或憂慮的; 令人憂慮的
- If one locks up his anger it will only cause trouble later. 把怒氣憋在心裡,以後反到麻煩。
- A snowstorm can be exciting. But too much snow can cause trouble. 一場暴風雪可能會使人很興奮,但雪太多了會引起麻煩。
- These thoughts have caused trouble in the mother's mind. 這些想法使媽媽開始坐卧不安。
- Her desire to dominate has caused trouble in her family. 她事事都想佔上風,以致家庭出事端。
- Her desire to dominate other people has caused trouble in her family. 她想支配他人的慾望在家庭中引起了麻煩。
- Her desire to dominate over others has caused trouble in her family. 她事事都想佔上風,以致家庭出了事端。
- I can see that of course, but it may cause trouble. 我當然明白這一點,不過這可能會招來麻煩。
- I can see that of course,but it may cause trouble. 我當然明白這一點,不過這可能會招來麻煩。
- He means trouble(= to cause trouble). 他存心搗亂。
- Why do you always cause trouble? 你為什麼總是要找麻煩?
- Rough air or turbulence bounces the aircraft causing image motion on the exposed film, thus reducing the final definition of the photographic images. 劇烈的氣流或湍流會使飛機發生顛簸,造成已曝光膠片上的影象移動,因此最終會降低照片的清晰度或解析度。
- I can see that, but it may cause trouble. 我明白這一點,不過它可能會招來麻煩。
- I didn't come here to cause trouble. 我到這裡不是來惹麻煩的。