- He is endowed with a gift in music by nature. 他天生有音樂才能。
- He was, on his own admission, impulsive by nature. 他承認自己生性易於感情衝動。
- She was endowed by nature with great talents. 她天性聰慧。
- She is a girl by nature ill-suited to a nurse. 她是一個性格不適合作護士的姑娘。
- Roger, uncommunicative by nature, said nothing. 羅傑天性沉默寡言,他一聲不吭。
- He is simple and honest by nature. 他秉性純樸。
- By nature trees do rot when they are grown. 樹長大了自然要腐朽。
- I was still by nature solicitous to be neat. 我卻天生酷愛清潔。
- They are by nature fearful and timid. 他們天生就膽小怕事。
- Forster was a venturer by nature. 福爾斯特生來是一位冒險家。
- He is kindness and munificence by nature. 他天生既仁慈又寬宏大量。
- They must have been rarely gifted by nature. 他們極少接受大自然的饋贈。
- be aggressive by nature 侵略成性
- Relationship by nature or character; affinity. 親密關係由性質或特徵形成的關係; 密切關係
- I think I'm reasonably cheerful by nature. 我想我生性相當開朗。
- His air of joviality was put on for the occasion; by nature he was a rather reserved and serious person. 他那歡樂活潑的外表只是一時裝出來的,就他本性來看,他是個含蓄、嚴肅的人。
- He was,on his own admission,impulsive by nature. 他承認自己生性易於感情衝動。
- Presidents, by nature, desire to prevail. 總統的本性都是唯我獨尊。
- Women are very suspicious and petty by nature. 女人的性情最猜疑,最小氣。
- He was a loner by nature and by inclination. 他天性與性向都不願與人交往。