- Simple and unsophisticated and refined, grade life! 古樸典雅,品位生活!
- Sergio: A second grade life is deplorable. 塞吉奧:次等生活令人遺憾。
- It annotates the new life pattern and situation in a particular cultural way. 休閑以獨有的文化意蘊詮釋著人的嶄新生活方式與生命狀態。
- On the system of establishing kindergarten and the age grade of children, there is no obvious difference in professional listless. 在辦園體制、所教幼兒年齡段上,幼兒教師的職業倦怠狀況無明顯差異。
- AOKELAI from Australia grade life, the wild nature in Australia, calmly atmosphere of quality in Australia. 澳克萊來自澳洲品位生活,狂野於澳洲大自然,靜心在澳洲品質氣息當中。
- Amend the age grading requirements under various sections. 根據以上不同的章節修改年齡組。
- Sula and Nel are friends at first, but part in end for Nel decided to follow a conventional woman』s life pattern. 雖然如此,奈爾最終還是選擇了一條歸屬於家庭、相夫教子的傳統女性的生活模式而與秀拉分道揚鑣。
- Although the choices of our twenties can be changed, they do set in motion a life pattern. 雖然二十多歲時的諸多選擇可以更改,但這些選擇還是啟動了一種生活模式。
- The contents of atis-16-ene were significantly varied among pine age grades. 不同齡級油鬆鬆脂中阿替斯-16-烯的相對含量有顯著差異;
- As humans retrain the field to run a rotational flower of life pattern, then one begins to run a pattern that will attract a light earth dream. 當人類將場回歸生命模式的旋轉花朵,你才能開始運作吸引光明地球夢想的圖案。
- The dreamtime is a flower of life pattern that originates in the aurora in the center of the earth and extends out and over each major chakra center upon the surface of the earth. 夢想層為生命之花模式,源自地球中心的極光,並延伸向外,包裹住地表的每個主脈輪中心。
- Amend the age grading to 「under 36 months」 & 「36 months and over but under 96 months」. 年齡組改為「小於36個月」和「大於等於36個月但小於96個月」
- It analyzes the intercommunity of traditional life pattern in Yanagita's Nihonjinron from three aspects: basic necessities of life, festivals all the year round, and ceremonies of life. 論文從衣食住居、年中節日、人生儀禮三個方面分析了柳田日本人論中的傳統生活模式的共同性;
- The Chinese pays attention to live pattern must upright and foursquare, often cut redundant corner. 中國人講究住家格局必須方正,經常將多餘的角落切去。
- Connect fully Anacreontic partition, stylist is reasonable still use a space, designed small stage, can drink coffee at the same time with the friend so, at the same time grade lives. 通透明朗的隔斷,設計師還合理利用空間,設計了小吧台,這樣可以和朋友一邊喝咖啡、一邊品位生活。
- The mer-ka-ba patterning is left behind the further that one ascends and replaced with the triple sphere and flower of life patterning. 在你提升的未來,摩卡巴模式進一步被留在身後,你用三重球體和生命之花模式代替它。
- (7) replanning and rearranging life patterns. (7)生活的重新計劃安排。
- He prefers to assort with people of his own age. 他更喜歡與自己的同齡人交往。
- Even the best quality rubber will perish with age. 就是最佳質量的橡膠也會因老化而腐爛。
- He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了傑出的物理學家。