- The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. 本班男生的平均年齡是十五歲。
- The heat had blistered the paint of the building. 酷熱使建築物上的油漆起了浮泡。
- The exterior of the building is very unattractive. 這建築物的外觀很不起眼。
- There is a vane on top of the building. 在大樓的頂端有一隻風信旗。
- The average age of the students is 19. 學生的平均年齡是19歲。
- Geologists have calculated the age of the earth. 地質學家已經計算出了地球的年齡。
- The outer walls of the building were painted blue. 這座建築的外牆被漆成了藍色。
- The front of the building was covered with ivy. 建築物的前面爬滿了常春藤。
- The building of the factory was in progress. 工廠正在建造中。
- He directed the building of the new bridge. 他指揮修建這座橋。
- A crowd gathered in front of the building. 大樓前圍了一大群人。
- The erection of the building took several months. 建造這座建築物花了好幾個月時間。
- The fire-escape is at the back of the building. 太平門在建築物的後面。
- The age of the robotic rodent is upon us. 嚙齒類機器人的時代正在向我們走來。
- The force of the explosion broke all the windows in the building. 爆炸的力量震碎了這座建築上的所有窗戶。
- The heavy rain set back the building of the road by two weeks. 這場大雨使道路的修建延緩了兩星期。
- The average age of the boys in this class is 23. 這個班級中男生的平均年齡為23歲。
- The average age of the boys here is ten. 這些孩子的平均年齡是十歲。
- The building of the Bank of China is topmost in Hong Kong. 中銀大廈在香港是最高的。
- The top floor of the building was signed over for use as offices. 大樓的頂層已簽約售出作為辦公室之用。