- Take judicial proceedings against sb. 提出訴訟控告某人
- Bring a slander action against sb. 以誹謗罪控告某人。
- Frame-up; frame a case against sb. 捏造罪狀以陷害他人。
- Lay a charge of sth. against sb. 指控某人犯。。。罪
- Bring judicial proceedings against sb. 提出訴訟控告某人
- Harrelson』s interest in hemp is understandable. 哈雷爾森的興趣,大麻是可以理解的。
- Hani』s interests extend only to his own little fiefdom. 他只對他那一小塊地感興趣。
- This novel sustains the reader 's interest to the end. 這部小說使讀者到最後都依然興趣濃厚。
- IGN: What would be that thing that would pique someone』s interest? IGN:那麼有哪些東西能激起人們的興趣呢?
- Who's appearing for the Crown(= bringing a criminal charge against sb on behalf of the state)in this case? 誰將在此案中代錶王國政府出庭?
- Personally, I find a good play on TV's interesting. 我個人覺得電視上好的劇目很有意思。
- The deputy manager exchanged the company' s interest for his personal honour. 這個代理經理為了個人榮譽而出賣了公司的利益。
- Bring a suit against sb; file a complaint against sb; sue; charge; accuse; indict; Bring in an indictment against sb. 控告
- The first report of Henry VIII's interest in Jane Seymour was in February 1536. 最早的,關於亨利對簡西摩產生興趣的史料記錄時在1536年的二月。
- She is torn between her fondness for a close friend and her duty to protect her company' s interests. 她因夾在好朋友的友情和保護公司利益的義務之間而痛苦。
- Frame up a case against sb. 捏造案情陷害某人。
- US don't want to offend potential opponents. That would endanger US's interests. 美國不想得罪潛在對手。會危及美國的利益。
- Raise up the heel against sb. 準備用腳踢某人;準備對某人採取暴力行動;壓制某人
- Bid against sb. (與某人)爭出高價,抬價競買
- Bitter colleagues accuse the prime minister of putting pride above the LDP's interests. 滿腹抱怨的同僚指責麻生把自己的面子看得比黨的利益還重。