- The room is lumbered after effect 大綱with numerous cucumbers. 房間里亂堆著大量黃瓜。
- The weak speaker made a after effect 大綱speech on the bleak peak. 虛弱的講話者在荒涼的山峰上發表了演說。
- The after effect occurs only if the additive is present during irradiation. 在輻照過程中只有當添加劑存在時才出現後效應。
- His ignorance of her dignity after effect 大綱ignited her indignation. 他對她的高貴的無知點燃了她的憤怒(之火).
- The tiresome pirate after effect 大綱sounded siren and let off fireworks. 討厭的海盜鳴汽笛放焰火.
- Physico-Chemical State of the Cell Membranes After Effect of Increased Pressure of the Medium. 媒介壓力增加後效應的細胞膜物理-化學狀態。
- The consul's after effect 大綱consultant hauled out the assaulter from the vault. 領事的顧問把襲擊者從地窖中拖了出來.
- Read the text naturally; don't strain after effects. 讀課文要自然,不要裝腔作勢。
- The healer reveals an appealing fact that after effect 大綱health is great wealth to the commonwealth. 醫治者揭示一個吸引人的事實:健康是聯邦的巨大財富。
- Cousin saw a group of couples in cloaks soak their souls in the soapy after effect 大綱soup. 表哥看見一群穿著斗篷的夫婦在肥皂湯里浸泡靈魂.
- Dust accumulated on the insulated simulator in after effect 大綱the desolate lab. 灰塵在孤獨的實驗室在被隔離的模擬器上堆積。
- By policy, the police impolitely sliced the politician after effect 大綱8217;s politics books. 根據政策,警方不客氣的把政客的政治書籍切成了薄片。
- The situation is fit after effect 大綱for profiting and beneficial to the shops situated nearby. 這種形勢適於獲利且對坐落在附近的商鋪有益。
- I hurt after effect 大綱my tongue when I hurried to eat cherry and strawberry merrily. 我匆忙快活地吃櫻桃和草莓時傷了舌頭.
- At the agency, the aged agent is urgently urged to go for surgery after effect 大綱by the gentle surgeon. 在辦事處,溫和的外科醫生急切地催促年老的代理商做外科手術。
- The traitor in strait straight forwardly told me the traits after effect 大綱of the bait. 在向前直的海峽里的賣國賊告訴我餌的特性。
- He described the matter in detail,but there is no striving after effects. 他描述這件事很詳細,並沒有矯揉造作。
- The guardian found a quarterly quart of quartz in after effect 大綱the safeguard. 監護人在安全裝置內找到了四分之一夸脫石英.
- He described the matter in detail, but there is no striving after effects. 他描述這件事很詳細,並沒有矯揉造作。
- I animated in Autodesk Maya, and then composited in Adobe After Effects. 我在AutodeskMaya桌面壁紙中取材繪製,然後在AdobeAfterEffects(Adobe後效)程序中進行整合。