- The penniless family could not afford to eat out. 那個貧窮的家庭沒有錢吃飯。
- We can only afford to eat out once a week. 我們只負擔得起一星期在外面用餐一次。
- They can afford to eat at first-class restaurants. 他們去得起一流的飯店。
- Many people, for example, don't like or cannot afford to eat Big Macs. 舉例,很多人並不喜歡或負擔不起買個漢堡包。
- They were on short commons last week because they couldn't afford to eat properly. 上星期他們飢一頓飽一頓地過日子,因為他們供不起正常的飲食。
- Last year i had to sell lots of music instruments just to pay rent-sometimes i can't afford to eat! 去年我不得不賣掉很多心愛的音樂設備來支付房租,有時我連吃飯都成問題!
- And he now can afford to eat costlier food on these outings, such as filet mignon instead of pasta. 還有,現在他能在外出期間買得起更昂貴的食物,比如製作精巧的裡脊而不是麵條。
- Now, just a few years later,we can easily afford to eat any food that we like, any food that we crave for and go to better restaurants... 到了短短數年後的今天,我們可以松容地付擔得起去吃任何我們喜愛和渴望嘗試的食物,和到更好的餐廳...
- I'll try and rustle you up something to eat. 我設法給你弄點吃的。
- We can afford to overlook minor offences. 我們可以不計較小過。
- I cannot afford to go because I haven't a bean. 我沒法去,因為我身無分文。
- No country can afford to neglect education. 任何國家都不容忽視教育。
- I can't afford to spend any more on food. 用在食物上的錢,再多一點兒我也花不起了。
- It's a real hassle to get this child to eat. 使這孩子吃東西,真要費九牛二虎之力。
- I cannot afford to waste my time making money. 我抽不出時間來浪費於賺錢。
- We can't afford to pay such a price. 我們付不起這個價錢。
- Is any of these wild fruits safe to eat? 這些野生水果有哪一種是安全可吃的嗎?
- In years of plenty everyone has plenty to eat. 豐年時人人都吃得飽。
- Only these high society people could afford to eat meat.As a result, French words like porc (pork) and beouf (beef) came into the English language.However, poor English farmers raised the animals. 當時只有這些上流社會的人吃得起肉,因此,像是porc(豬肉)和beouf(牛肉)這些法文字就融入了英文,不過,養這些牲畜的仍是貧窮的英國農民。
- I can't afford to buy them an expensive wedding present. 我沒錢給他們買一件貴重的結婚禮品。