- Seal演算Seal calculus
- Base-Seal固化劑Base-Seal stabilizer
- Angio-Seal血管封堵器Angio-Seal vascular closure device
- Angio-Seal血管閉合器Anglo- Seal vascular closing device
- roll seal (密封縫隙用)輥子閘門
- seal CO2 laser封離式CO2激光器
- deep seal (一種反虹吸存水彎)深存水彎
- spindle inner oil seal (平衡器)軸內油封
- 當時,本公司名為Aluminum Seal Company。At that time, the company was known as the Aluminum Seal Company.
- 應用Angio -Seal裝置血管閉合成功率 98 4% (6 2 / 6 3)。Angio- Seal device was successfully deployed in patients 98.4%25 (62/63), 1 case had fai led.
- 油頁岩循環床鍋爐中溫分離回輸系統Loop Seal工作特性的研究Loop Seal Operation Characteristics of Middle Temperature Separating and Retuming System of an Oil Shale Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler
- 安裝NIB-SEAL?保溫手柄美國尼伯科青銅球閥是保持保溫管道系統完好無損的唯一方法。NIBCO bronze ball valves installed with NIB-SEAL? insulated handles are the only approach that keeps your insulated piping system completely intact.
- 對於工廠安裝的NIB-SEAL保溫手柄的青銅球閥,在訂購的美國尼伯科閥門型號后加上後綴「NS」。For bronze ball valves with factory-installed NIB-SEAL insulated handle, order appropriate NIBCO valve figure number with suffix "NS.
- Seal拖纜的直徑不超過50毫米,既能適用於較小的船隻,又能讓更大的船隻裝更多的拖纜,以提高工作效率。With a diameter no bigger than 50mm, Seal streamers open the door to either smaller vessels or more streamers per vessel for higher productivity.
- 像Target和Wet Seal這樣的零售商店貨架上擺得儘是些性感的玩意兒,象緊身的「花花公子」T恤了,粉色的革製品褲子了什麼的。Racks of stores like Target,and Wet Seal are bursting with sexy choices,like tight'Playboy'T-shirts and pink fake leather pants.
- 像Target和Wet Seal這樣的零售商店貨架上擺得儘是些性感的玩意兒,象緊身的"花花公子"T恤了,粉色的革製品褲子了什麼的。Racks of stores like Target, and Wet Seal are bursting with sexy choices, like tight "Playboy" T-shirts and pink fake leather pants.
- 具有創新功能的NIB-SEAL青銅球閥能夠防止冷凝和冷卻。獨特的熱障結構設計阻止水分滲透到保溫系統中,防止熱能從暴露的金屬手柄上流失。The revolutionary NIB-SEAL bronze ball valve stops condensate, cold. Its unique thermal barrier design keeps moisture from infiltrating your insulated system while preventing thermal energy loss through exposed metal handles.
- 具有創新功能的NIB-SEAL青銅球閥能夠防止冷凝和冷卻。獨特的熱障結構設計阻止水分滲透到保溫系統中,防止熱能從暴露的金屬手柄上流失。The revolutionary NIB-SEAL bronze ball valve stops condensate, cold. Its unique thermal barrier design keeps moisture from infiltrating your insulated system while preventing thermal energy loss through exposed metal handles.