- Erecting or placing advertisements for tobacco at public places such as various waiting rooms, cinemas and theatres, conference halls and sports stadiums and gymnasiums is prohibited. 禁止在各類等候室、影劇院、會議廳堂、體育比賽場館等公共場所設置煙草广告。
- Advertising for tobacco products shall be banned on broadcasting stations, television stations, or in newspapers or periodicals. 第十九條禁止在廣播電台、電視台、報刊播放、刊登煙草製品廣告。
- A receptacle for tobacco ashes and cigarette butts. 煙灰缸,煙灰盤裝煙灰與煙蒂的容器
- Advertisements for houses for sale often lead buyers on with misleading description. 兜售房屋的廣告常常以騙人的說明使買方上當受騙。
- Should Advertisements for Medical Care Be Cut Down? 醫療廣告該不該砍?
- He confessed to( having) a weakness for tobacco. 他承認自己有煙癮。
- Who Ruined Advertisements for Insurance? 保險廣告被誰糟蹋了?
- I kissed my first woman and smoked my first cigarette on the same day; I have never haven time for tobacco since. 我在第一次吻女人的同一天里第一次抽煙,以後就再也沒空抽煙絲啦。
- The advertisements for the movie fetched in large audiences. 廣告宣傳為這部影片招徠大批觀眾。
- A short filmed advertisement for a movie. 宣傳片為電影做廣告的簡短影片
- The street is dotted with advertisements for renting a house. 街面上貼滿了求租住房的廣告。
- I must advertise for a new secretary. 我得刊登廣告聘請一位新秘書。
- I usually watch the advertisements for announcements of sales. 我經常看廣告,去得到折扣的資訊。
- I averted my eyes from the diverse advertisements for the invert converter. 我把目光從花樣繁多的倒置轉換器廣告上移開。
- These microorganic nematocides could be applied for tobacco production. 因此,微生物殺線蟲劑可在烤煙生產上推廣應用。
- So microorganic nematocides could be applied for tobacco production. 因此,微生物殺線蟲劑可在烤煙生產上推廣應用。
- I averted my eyes from the spanerse advertisements for the invert converter. 我把目光從花樣繁多的倒置轉換器廣告上移開.
- I averted my eyes from the diverse advertisements for the inver converter. 我把目光從花樣繁多的倒置轉換器廣告上移開.
- The company is advertising for typists in the newspapers. 那家公司在報紙上登廣告徵聘打字員。