The results indicate that the modification by heating and acids could not significantly increase the adsorption capacity of the modified stellerite for ammonia nitrogen. 結果表明,加熱改性與無機酸改性不能顯著提高沸石對氨氮的吸附量。
Microcalorimetric adsorption technique is a method of mensurating the relation between adsorbed capacity and heat when the adsorbate was adsorbed in the sorbent suface. 本論文主要介紹了微量吸附量熱技術及其在研究幾種固體酸鹼材料表面性質上的應用。
The specific surface area and nitrogen adsorption capacity of the acid-heated diatomite ores increase with increaseing power or the temperature of the microwave. 隨著微波功率或溫度的升高,酸處理矽藻土礦的比表面積與氮氣吸附能力呈增加趨勢。