the quality of being able to meet a need satisfactorily:
"he questioned the adequacy of the usual sentimental interpretation of the Golden Rule"
the quality of being sufficient for the end in view;
"he questioned the sufficiency of human intelligence"
用作名詞 (n.)
The adequacy of the security arrangements has been questioned. 有人質疑安全措施是否足夠。
Nietzsche's Enlightenment predecessors had already established the adequacy of empirical methods to explain what goes on in the nonhuman world. 尼採的啟蒙運動前輩們已經建立了足夠的經驗方法去解釋在非人的世界上在發生什麼事情。
He questioned the adequacy of the usual sentimental interpretation of the golden rule. 對黃金規則所做的通常帶有感情色彩的解釋是否適當,對此問題他表示質疑。
It should evaluate the adequacy of an administrator's decision in light of the information produced by an advisory committee. 來根據諮詢委員會提供的信息評判行政官員決定的適當性。