- v. 即興演唱;臨時穿插;信口說出
- n. 即興表演
- adj. 即興表演的;臨時插入的
- .
remark made spontaneously without prior preparation;
"his ad-libs got him in trouble with the politicians"
with little or no preparation or forethought;
"his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment"
"an extemporaneous piano recital"
"an extemporary lecture"
"an extempore skit"
"an impromptu speech"
"offhand excuses"
"trying to sound offhanded and reassuring"
"an off-the-cuff toast"
"a few unrehearsed comments"
said or done without having been planned or written in advance;
"he made a few ad-lib remarks"
perform without preparation;
"he extemporized a speech at the wedding"
- The comedian ad libbed most of his routine.
- ad referendum <拉>待進一步審核(...
- attack ad 攻擊性廣告
- employment ad [經] 招聘廣告...
- ad hoc 特定的
- ad hominem 訴諸感情的
- ad infinitum 無限(永遠)
- ad litem <拉>專為某一訴訟指...
- want ad 徵求廣告
- ad interim 臨時的
- ad craft [經] 廣告辦理業...
- ad court 單數局
- classified ad 分類廣告
- ad finem 最後(最終)
- ad valorem 按價的
- ad lib. [醫] 隨意,任意...
- ad libitum 隨意地
- women's lib 婦女解放運動...
- improvise 即興創作
- extemporize 即席演說
- impromptu 即席的
- spontaneous 自發的,自然的,本能的...
- off-the-cuff 未預備的
- unrehearsed 未經排練的
- invent 發明
- make up 彌補
- wing it 即興表演
- ad hoc 特定的
- improvised 即席而作的
- informal 非正式的
- makeshift 臨時的
- unplanned 無計劃的
- unprepared 無準備的
- extemporaneous 即興的
- offhanded 立即的
- improvize 即興創作
- extempore 即興的
- offhand 即時的
- extemporise 當場作成
- extemporary 當場的
- unwritten 不成文的