- acute intensive treatment 緊急強化治療
- HIB or hmpolo influence type B requires intensive treatment with antibiotics. HIB或是H應憲法B型要求和抗生素緊張的治療。
- Valentina's parents then applied for the Intensive Treatment Program. Valentina的父母隨後申請加入一強化訓練。
- Objective: Observe the curative effect of acute intensive alcohol poisoning by using naloxone hydrochloride. 目的:觀察納絡酮治療急性重症酒精中毒的療效。
- Wally, accompanied by the nurse, was flown directly to a hospital for more intensive treatment. 沃利在護士的護送下直接飛往一家醫院接受更精心的治療。
- Rooney has stayed in England for intensive treatment on his foot injury with the Manchester United team doctors. 魯尼留在英格蘭進行由曼聯隊以主持的高強度的腳傷治療。
- Kewell is receiving intensive treatment at Melwood after suffering a groin injury during last weekend's FA Cup final. 科威爾正在Melwood接受全面透徹的治療,他在上周足總杯決賽中腹股溝拉傷。
- HIB Hib, or Haemophilus I influenzae type B b, requires intensive treatment with antibiotics. Hib或稱為B型嗜血桿菌流感需要集中的抗生素治療。
- HIB or hemophilus influenza type B requires intensive treatment with antibiotics. HIB或稱B型流感嗜血桿菌需要進行強化的抗生素治療。
- Hib, or Haemophilus* influence (influenzae) type B, require intensive treatment with antibiotics*. 或者叫B型流行性**,需要用抗生素進行強化治療。
- The intensive treatment is useful for freckled skin in which it helps to lighten the pigment on the facial area. 適用於長斑肌膚,可漂白及淡化面部之過深色素。
- Without intense treatment, the victims of parvo die of dehydration. 沒有強有效的治療,細小的受害者會死於脫水。
- Within days of showing initially unalarming symptoms, the patients were gone, despite intensive treatment with antibiotics. 另外六人也都病得很嚴重,但還是活了下來。
- In summary, intensive treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca should be instituted first, and frequent blinking can be encouraged. 總結該病灶之治療,開始應積極處理乾眼症的問題,並且鼓勵病人多眨眼睛。
- Intensive treatment with oral indomethacin, topical steroid and topical indomethacin were given, and the visual acuity returned to 6/6 as previous level. 給予局部類固醇,局部與口服非類固醇抗發炎藥物治療后視力漸回復至1.;0。
- The purposes of this study were to determine the situational sources of highly acute intense sport-related, and to examine the abstracted factor model fit. 摘要通過問卷調查、因子分析和結構方程模型對中國高校運動員的臨場壓力源進行相關的確定。
- In order to effectively address this situation, MOLAP sparse use of the peacekeeping and peacekeeping combination of intensive treatment, as the following picture. 為了有效地解決這種情況,MOLAP採用了稀疏維和密集維相結合的處理方式,如下圖。
- HIB or Haemophilus influenzae type B requires intensive treatments with anti-biotics. Hib,即b型流行性感冒嗜血桿菌需要使用抗生素進行強化治療。
- Incredible cure for dehydrated skins Apply pat on face and neck For intensive treatment, one ampule each night for 7 nights For deeper dehydration use one ampule each night for 28 nights. 補充水份精華素有效治療缺水肌膚,輕拍於面及脖子,用作肌膚修護,連續七晚每晚用一安瓿;深層修護,可連續使用28日。
- The patient is complaining of acute earache. 病人說耳部劇痛。