- According to Chinese medicine, there are many acupuncture points on the auricle. 中醫講,耳郭上有好多穴位。
- Instead, points on the ear lobes will be massaged, with toes bending. 增加了"按揉耳垂眼穴及腳趾抓地"等。
- This music's easy on the ear late at night. 這音樂夜晚聽起來很好聽。
- She fetched him a box on the ears. 她打了他一記耳光。
- On the main road the ear began to open up. 到了大路上,車開始加速。
- A cardinal point on the compass; a direction. 方位羅盤上的主要方位針; 方向
- The sound of the automobile horn rasped on the ear. 汽車的喇叭聲很刺耳。
- The discord of his music is hard on the ear. 他演奏的不和諧音很刺耳。
- Her eyes fixated on a point on the horizon. 她的眼睛固定在地平線上的一點。
- The discord of his music was hard on the ear. 他演奏的不和諧音很刺耳。
- He gave his son a clip on the ear. 他打了兒子一個耳光。
- He dealtthe boy a blow on the ear. 他給了那男孩一記耳光。
- I lost my temper and belted the boy on the ear. 我發了怒,打了那孩子一個耳光。
- But if you draw on the acupuncture point massage for 50 tabletennis athletes, you will find it extremely efficacious. 運用鄭懷賢教授的傷科經穴手法按摩,對50名專業乒乓球運動員進行治療,效果良好。
- Who gave celia a box on the ear? 誰打了西莉亞一記耳光?
- In computer graphics, the display at some point on the display space of the display elements whose coordinates lie outside of the display space. 在計算機圖形學中,將坐標超出顯示空間的顯示元素顯示在顯示空間的某個位置上。
- He dealt the boy a blow on the ear. 他給了那男孩一記耳光。
- Bronze acupuncture models, for teaching acupuncture and moxibustion (heat therapy), with total 657 acupuncture points on it and each point marked its medical name. 世界上最早的人體模型,銅人上總穴位有657個,開創了應用銅人進行教學的先河。
- This music in the film is easy on the ear. 電影里的音樂很動聽。
- On hearing these words, he went off on the ear. 一聽到這些,他勃然大怒。