- Choose a deep emotion story, then combine the actual social content, and put this social content into my project. 選擇一個情感深刻的故事,結合當下的社會內涵,把這個社會內涵應用到片子中去。
- The OECD says 22 out of 29 of its member countries have extended support for workers on furlough, and 16 have cut payroll taxes and other social contributions. 經合組織稱,其29個成員國中的22個國家把資助的範圍延伸到了休假的工人,16個國家削減了工薪稅和其他的社會收款。
- The UF as the actual social basis of the CPC's wielding state power, is both theoretically and historically grounded. 統一戰線作為中共執政合法性的現實社會基礎,既有理論又有歷史依據。
- Relation grid is isomorphic to the actual social network, so it satisfies the small-world model with members short chain connected. 關係網格與現實的社會關係網路是同構的,因此滿足小世界模型並具有內部成員短鏈連接的性質。
- Therefore, it is of great realistic significance to probe into and reevaluate the standard of truth and of value from the whole process of the actual social activities by people. 所以,從現實的人的社會活動的完整過程出發,對真理與價值的標準問題進行現實性的探討,其現實意義是不言而喻的。
- By analyzing the actual social contradiction, the new materialism seeks to realize freedom of each people, makes it the theme of its philosophical research. 這種新唯物主義在分析現實社會矛盾的基礎上尋求實現每個人的自由,並把它作為哲學研究的主題。
- Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far as society is free to use the results. 創造力可以是一種對社會的貢獻,但是必須以社會能夠自由使用其結果為限。
- CAREER: Fiery Aries definitely will feel motivated to make a social contribution to society this year. 工作運勢:熱情的白羊座今年感到非常積極地想為社會有所貢獻。
- Penalty execution supervision is the last phase of criminal lawsuit, as well the last guarantee of actualizing social equity and justice. 摘要刑罰執行是刑事訴訟最後階段,也是實現公平正義的最後保障。
- Your quality of life and your social contribution will tend to remain congruent, so if you want to see improvement in either area, you must create a temporary positive imbalance. 你的生活質量和你的社會貢獻將趨於保持協調。所以如果你想在任何一方面提高,你就必須創造臨時的積極的不平衡狀態。
- Koller will be green and sustainable development as the basis for the development, is willing to make every effort to protect the natural and social contribution to the force. 科勒公司將綠色環保和可持續發展作為發展基礎,願意竭盡全力保護自然,為社會貢獻力量。」
- Mr Reinfeldt also said the government would reduce social contribution fees paid by employers by around 1 percentage point and make it less expensive to employ young people. 賴因費爾特表示,政府還將把僱主繳納的社保費用減少大約1個百分點,並且會減低雇傭年輕人的成本。
- Survey on the Book Collection of the Tianyige Loft and Its Social Contributions 天一閣藏書及社會貢獻史考略
- The actual operation lasted eight hours. 實際手術進行了8個鐘頭。
- I need the actual figures, not an estimate. 我需要確實的數字,不要估計的。
- Fourthly, according to three types of state-owned enterprises, design the index system of accomplishment, and in the basic of current appraisal system, add the appraisal to social contribution, so as to reflect a real accomplishment of enterprise. 第四,針對三類不同類別的國企進行效績評價指標體系的設計,在現行效績評價體系的基礎上,增加對企業社會貢獻的評價內容,使評價結果公平、客觀而又真實反映企業的效績。
- The actual labour force numbered20820. 實際勞動力有20820人。
- The amount by which actual costs exceed estimates. 超出費用實際費用超過預計費用量
- What he told us was an actual happening. 他告訴我們的是一件真實事情。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他對社會制度的問題保持沉默。