- Providing front end service to industrial estate developers and business operators. 為工業園區開發者和營業者提供一條龍服務。
- There are three basic steps involved in authenticating a user to an end service. 驗證一個用戶到後台服務有三個基本步驟。
- When the shared activity ends, the friendship may fade. 當這些原來共同從事的活動不復存在時,友誼也可能隨之淡化。
- When the shared activity ends,the friendship may fade. 當這些原來共同從事的活動不復存在時,友誼也可能隨之淡化。
- Dark brown stimulated more activity,but the activity ended sooner. 深棕色能激發更多的活動,但活動結束得也快。
- Dark brown stimulated more activity, but the activity ended sooner. 深棕色能激發更多的活動,但活動結束得也快。
- The object is but a phase of the active end, -- continuing the activity successfully. 對象只是主動的目的的一個方面,就是成功地把活動繼續下去。
- The activity ended after group games. Having cleaned up the environment, everyone said good-bye to each other. 活動在熱鬧的團康遊戲后結束,大家將周遭環境清理乾凈后,愉快地互道再見。
- After the lecture, the represent of Zhong Shan University MSCC gave a present to Zou Xin and took a photo. The activity ended in a applause. 講座結束后,中大微軟俱樂部代表向鄒欣老師贈送了禮物,並拍照留念。活動在一片熱烈的掌聲中圓滿結束.
- First time goes out to deliberate that the activity ended in the loose joyful atmosphere, but also calculates had a good start. 第一次外出研討活動就在寬鬆愉悅的氣氛中結束,還算開了個好頭。
- This activity ended bouts of depression that had plagued her for at least 30 years, and the quality of her work led one critic to say, "I am tempted to call Layton a genius. 這項愛好終結了煩擾她30年之久的抑鬱。一位評論家對她繪畫的水準稱讚到,「面對她的作品,我想說林頓女士是個天才。」
- This activity ended bouts of depression that had plagued her for at least 30 years, and the quality of her work led one critic to say, 「I am tempted to call Layton a genius. 這一愛好消除了曾糾纏她至少達30年之久的憂鬱症。而她的作品水準之高使得一個評論家說: 「我忍不住要稱萊頓為天才。」
- //?? end service table pointer = service_table_pointer srv_end_number * 4; 最後一個服務順序號。
- //?? end service table pointer = service_table_pointer + srv_end_number * 4; 最/后一個服務順序號。
- The office has been humming with activity. 辦公室一直忙著搞活動。
- The threat of war has depressed business activity. 戰爭的威脅使經濟蕭條。
- There has been a lot of activity in the town today. 今天市中心相當熱鬧。
- The town was humming with activity. 該市鎮生氣勃勃,呈現一片熱鬧的景象。
- dining hall end Service is a hemicycle of landing long window balcony design gives easy bright beautiful feeling. 窗明几淨的大廳盡頭處,是一個半圓形的落地長窗陽台設計,給人爽朗明亮的美好感覺。
- Stamp collecting is my favorite activity. 集郵是我最喜愛的消遣。