- The bombers swooped on the air base. 轟炸機突襲空軍基地。
- To reestablish the air base closed after the war. 重建戰後被關閉的空軍基地。
- The United Kingdom was one gigantic air base. 聯合王國成為一龐大的空軍基地。
- The United Kingdom was one gigantic air base . 聯合王國成為一龐大的空軍基地。
- Active air suspension is a new technology of automotive suspension. 主動式空氣懸架作為汽車懸架的一門新技術,其應用越來越為廣泛。
- Two battalions were disposed for an attack on the air base. 配置兩個營的兵力進攻空軍基地。
- A shortage of militarypolice made the air Base insecure. 缺乏武警使得空軍基地不很安全。
- A shortage of military police made the air base insecure. 缺乏武警使得空軍基地不很安全
- Molded EVA midsole with Active Air system absorbs shock and returns energy to reduce body fatigue. 澆鑄EVA緩震鞋中底和動感的空氣系統吸收震動和恢復精力,達到減緩身體疲勞的目的;
- The air bases were subjected to intense air attack. 這些空軍基地遭到猛烈的空襲。
- Foreign air bases should be removed immediately. 外國空軍基地應立即撤除。
- The Taliban spokesman claims responsibility for the attack on Bagram Air Base. 塔利班發言人宣稱對巴格蘭空軍基地的襲擊負責。
- Recalled to active Air Force duty during the Korean War, Colonel Older was assigned to aerial operations with a B-26 Invader medium bomber unit. 在朝鮮戰爭期間他又再次被召回到空軍來,奧爾德中校被分配到B-26入侵轟炸隊的戰區。
- Pham, A.T. and Ugazio, P., 「Basic Developments of an Active Air Suspension for Passengers Cars,」 SAE paper 890095, 1989. 彭新勝,2000,車輛底盤懸吊與傳動軸整體構件最佳化之振動分析,國立中央大學,碩士論文。
- The twin-seater jet, named "Hsiung Yin", or "Brave Eagle", was rolled out Tuesday at an air base in central Taiwan. 這種名為「雄鷹」的雙座噴氣飛機星期二在台中的一個空軍基地亮相。
- World War II (January 1944); American forces landed and captured a Japanese air base. 二戰中(1944年1月)美國軍隊一次登陸,奪取一個日軍空軍基地。
- The women's purpose in camping outside the air base is to make a stand against the use of nuclear weapons. 這些婦女在空軍基地附近紮營的目的,是要表明他們反對使用核武器的立場。
- After leaving an Arctic air base to join this week's war games, Mr Putin, 52, played down his simulated bombing raid. 參加本周進行的軍事演習前,普京總統曾經在位於北極圈內的空軍基地過夜。飛離基地后,現年52歲的普京總統讓自己的這次模擬導彈襲擊盡量低調。
- Vegetarianism Comes to Yokota Air Base A Happy Blood Donor - Vegetarianism Cured My Anemia! 快樂的捐血人-吃素改善我貧血的毛病!
- Military agents bundled Quintin and Rizal into a car that drove to Lipa Air Base. 軍方人員立即將長城、長庚兄弟押進一輛車內直奔利巴空軍基地。