- actinic reticuloid(AR) 光化性網狀細胞增生症
- actinic reticuloid 光化性類網狀細胞增多症
- Assist finance dept. to collect AR on time. 協助財務部門及時收回應收帳款。
- Coordinate with customers for AR collecting. 遵守公司的信貸制度,與客戶協調貨款回收。
- Dan Zi exterior line can generate actinic aerosol. 因此對其很容易忽視,但由於長期積累,對皮膚造成的傷害最大。
- Zhang Ziyi willing to give up actin. 章子怡願為心上人息影。
- Today you are to pass by the region of Moab at Ar. 你今天要從摩押的境界亞珥經過
- We ar all in favor this plan of testing in English. 我們都贊成英文考試計劃。
- In fact, actin ring seals tight unhelpful. 其實動環密封圈過緊有害無益。
- Guys to me? They ar just my toys! 人家只是想聽聽別人的意見嗎,這位小同志!
- Keep going la! Add oil ar! I must support you ar! 你們真的很棒!希望能看你們一直發光發熱!加油!
- The Uses of Monte Carlo Method in Nucle ar Logging. 方法在核測井中的新應用。
- You're always living ar home. Is that right? 你總住在家裡對嗎?
- When the violence causes silence AR. 當暴行引致死一般的沉寂
- I can he ar voices through the wall. 我聽見隔著牆有說話的聲音.
- If he HURTS u, u ar e too ! SENSITIVE!! 如果他傷害你;是你太過分!.;敏感的!!!
- A new method, using AR, is on the way. 一種基於「增大化現實」技術的新方式正在被開發中。
- Of 328 patients, 4.9% were AR, 27.4% were ASR. 328例患者中AR發生率為4.;9%25;ASR發生率為27
- Consider what AR could make routinely possible. 試想想,AR可能普遍到什麽程度?
- Low ultimate pressure, high pumping speed for Ar. 極限壓力低、抽氣壓力範圍寬,對氬氣抽速較高。