- Polystyrene (PS) is a thermoplastic resin, made from polymerized styrene. 聚苯乙烯(PS)是由苯乙烯聚合而成的熱塑性樹脂。
- Polypropylene is propylene polymerization and obtained a thermoplastic resin. 聚丙烯是由丙烯聚合而製得的一種熱塑性樹脂。
- ABS resin is a kind of thermoplastic resin with excellent allround properties. ABS樹脂是一種綜合性能優異的熱塑性樹脂。
- A common thermoplastic resin,used in a wide variety of manufactured products,including rainwear,garden hoses,phonograph records,and floor tiles. 聚氯乙烯一種普通熱塑樹脂,廣泛用於產品加工,包括雨衣,花園澆水用的膠皮管,留聲唱片,和地板磚
- They are often the same thermoplastic resin such as EVA, EEA, polyethylene, polyamide, polyester and other admixtures. 它們通常同熱塑性樹脂如EVA、EEA、聚乙烯、聚醯胺、聚酯等摻合。
- Comes with integrated crevice tool and wet nozzle.Recharger in thermoplastic resin. 商品描述: Vacuum in 18/10 stainless steel and white thermoplastic resin.
- A common thermoplastic resin, used in a wide variety of manufactured products, including rainwear, garden hoses, phonograph records, and floor tiles. 聚氯乙烯一種普通熱塑樹脂,廣泛用於產品加工,包括雨衣,花園澆水用的膠皮管,留聲唱片,和地板磚
- Thermoplastic resin modified thermoset resin is an efficient method to improve the toughening of the materials without sacrifice of glass temperatures. 熱塑性樹脂改性熱固性樹脂,可以在不降低熱固性樹脂耐熱溫度的同時,大幅度提高改性材料的韌性。
- A thermoplastic resin,(C2F4) n,that is resistant to heat and chemicals,has an extremely low coefficient of friction,and is used as a coating on cookware,gaskets,seals,and hoses. 聚四氟乙烯,一種熱塑性樹脂,(C2F4)n,抗熱抗化學物質,具有極低的摩擦係數,被用作炊具、墊圈、氣塞和襪子的覆面。
- Composite material bipolar plates using thermoplastic resin as the binder and graphite as the conductive filler were prepared by means of compression molding technology. 以熱塑性樹脂為粘結劑、石墨為導電填料,採用模壓一次成型,製備複合材料雙極板。
- A thin sheet or strip of flexible material,such as a cellulose derivative or a thermoplastic resin,coated with a photosensitive emulsion and used to make photographic negatives or transparencies. 膠片,一種柔軟物質的薄片,例如賽璐珞製品或熱塑性樹脂,塗有感光乳劑並用來制像片底片或幻燈片。
- As a substitute of cadmium red and chrome red, is a match environment red pigment. Used in thermoplastic resin, thermosetting resin, alkyd resin, rubber, other polymer and cement, coating. 做為環境友好紅色顏料,替代鎘紅及鉻紅。應用與熱塑性樹脂、熱固性樹脂、醇酸樹脂、橡膠其他聚合物以及水泥、塗料等。
- A thin sheet or strip of flexible material, such as a cellulose derivative or a thermoplastic resin, coated with a photosensitive emulsion and used to make photographic negatives or transparencies. 膠片:一種柔軟物質的薄片,例如賽璐珞製品或熱塑性樹脂,塗有感光乳劑並用來制像片底片或幻燈片。
- A plot experiment was conducted to study the changes of soil ammonium and nitrate,and yield and quality of tomato after application of Japanese thermoplastic resin coated urea MEISTER LP100 and LP100 plus dicyandiamide (DCD) in greenhouse. 通過溫室小區試驗 ,研究了日本熱塑性樹脂包膜尿素MEISTERLP10 0以及LP10 0配施雙氰銨 (DCD)後土壤NH+ 4-N、NO-3 -N以及番茄產量和質量的變化。
- A thermoplastic resin,(C2F4) n, that is resistant to heat and chemicals, has an extremely low coefficient of friction, and is used as a coating on cookware, gaskets, seals, and hoses. 聚四氟乙烯一種熱塑性樹脂,(c2f4)n,抗熱抗化學物質,具有極低的摩擦係數,被用作炊具、墊圈、氣塞和襪子的覆面
- It reviewed epoxy toughened by resin alloy,and discussed several new technologies of toughening epoxy such as modified by thermoplastic resin,thermotropic liquid crystal polymer and IPN. 綜述了環氧樹脂的樹脂合金化增韌改性,著重討論了熱塑性樹脂、熱致液晶聚合物和互穿網路結構等環氧樹脂增韌改性新技術。
- The blade according to claim 13, wherein the thermoplastic resin comprises a polyetheretherketone resin, and the reinforcing fibres are selected from the group consisting of carbon and glass fibres. 刀片根據索賠13 ,其中,熱塑性樹脂組成,聚醚醚酮樹脂,以及加強纖維均選自集團構成的碳和玻璃纖維。
- Studies on Acrylate Thermoplastic Elastomer with Latex Interpenetrating Polymer Network Structure 乳液互穿網路型丙烯酸酯類熱塑性彈性體的研究
- Any of various thermoplastic resins that are polymers of propylene.They are hard and tough,and are used to make molded articles and fibers. 聚丙烯一種熱塑性樹脂,它是丙烯的聚合物。它們都很堅硬,而且被用來製造鑄造件和纖維
- Any of various thermoplastic resins that are polymers of propylene. They are hard and tough, and are used to make molded articles and fibers. 聚丙烯一種熱塑性樹脂,它是丙烯的聚合物。它們都很堅硬,而且被用來製造鑄造件和纖維