- It was impossible to fault the old actor' s performance. 要在這位老演員的表演中挑出毛病是不可能的。
- GMM』s performance superiority and development is given. 概述了GMM的性能優越性和發展歷程;
- Pundits lauded Mr Obama’s performance in Europe. 眾多學者對奧巴馬在歐洲的表現交口稱讚。
- Of course, bonuses depend on the company』s performance. 當然,獎金的多少取決於公司業績的好壞。
- Last, the paper validates the system"s performance by experimentation. 最後通過實驗驗證了系統的性能。
- This is a tool developed with VB's performance management source code. 這是一個用VB工具開發的成績管理源程序代碼。
- Both options offer interesting benefits to improving the E4's performance. 這兩種選擇,提供有趣的福利,以改善批E4類的工作表現。
- Her performance won her much critical acclaim. 她的表演大獲評論界讚頌。
- The NAND flash memory and USB2.0 interface are introduced in the design of Dynamic Electrocardiogram to improve the DCG's performance and convenience. 在傳統動態心電圖機的設計基礎上;提出應用大容量NAND快閃記憶體和高速USB2.;0介面;提高心電圖機的性能和易用性。
- The judge stopped the competition after Maksim』s performance, immediately announcing him as the winner. 就像是手榴彈一樣,也會遭到塞爾維亞狙擊隊不時的突襲,在室外多待一秒就是多一份危險。
- C., &Dittman, D.A. (1995).Evaluating a hotel GM's performance: A case in benchmarking. 整合財務資訊之績效標竿分析--國際觀光旅館產業之應用。
- The VPP is applied toall refinery employees without consideration of an individual employee』s performance. 該VPP用於所有煉油廠的僱員,不考慮僱員的個人表現。
- Be sure to rate the importance of these skills to the job rather than the retee』s performance. 請注意,對這些能力的重要性的判別只能依據該工作職位對能力的要求,而不能依據被評價者個人的工作績效。
- The above chart illustrates the S2.1M satellite』s performance, using color Waterfall Plot graphic analysis. 上述圖表用彩色的瀑布圖分析說明了S2.;1M衛星箱的性能。
- We must appoint sb to act as secretary. 我們得指定一個人當秘書。
- Since the Webmaster Tools were created, webmasters have a place to find out their website』s performance on Google. 有了谷歌網站管理員工具之後,網管們對自己的網站在谷歌的表現就一目了然了。
- My daughter』s performance was appreciated by many professionals,who thougnt she was indeed a talented actress. 我女兒的表演受到許多專業人員的讚賞;他們認為她的確是天才的演員.
- Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement. 名聲,威信對傑出成就所作的稱讚或頌揚
- Based on the team』s performance here, I』m very hopeful for more good results next week at Hockenheim. 根據球隊的表現在這裡,我非常希望為更多的好成績下周在霍根海姆賽道。