- 同主語相連作句子補語等同動詞(比如『be』或『become』)。an equating verb (such as 'be' or 'become') that links the subject with the complement of a sentence.
- ACCEPT允許數據包通過。ACCEPT means to let the packet through.
- 談到人或物的狀態、外貌等的變化時,常用become、get、turn、go,後接形容詞When talking about a change in the state, appearance, etc of a person or thing, we often use become, get, turn and go followed by an adjective
- 補語(尤指在連繫動詞如be become等之後,用以描述動詞之主語的形容詞或名詞)Word(s),esp adjectives and nouns,used after linking verbs such as be and become,and describing the subject of the verb
- accept customers materials for processing來料加工
- 把燈打開;get a load on(加上了負擔)是drink enough to become intoxicated(喝醉了)的俚語。turn the lights on; get a load on is slang for drink enough to become intoxicated.
- 當套接字試圖綁定到此本地資源時,將執行許可權檢查以確定資源上是否存在Accept。At the time a socket tries to bind to this local resource a permission check is performed to see if an Accept exists on that resource.
- 把燈打開;get a load on(加上了負擔)是drink enough to become intoxicated(喝醉了)的俚語turn the lights on; get a load on is slang for drink enough to become intoxicated
- Accept方法處理任何傳入的連接請求,並返回可用於與遠程主機進行數據通信的Socket。The Accept method processes any incoming connection requests and returns a Socket that you can use to communicate data with the remote host.
- Receive方法將只讀取在Connect或Accept方法中建立的遠程主機連接發送過來的數據。The Receive method will only read data that arrives from the remote host connection established in the Connect or Accept method.
- 請求處理程序分析HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGES請求標題以獲取客戶端支持的、按優先順序排列的語言列表。The request handler parses the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGES request header to get a prioritized list of languages supported by the client.
- 如果使用非阻止的Socket調用此方法,而且隊列中沒有連接請求,則Accept將會引發SocketException。If you call this method using a non-blocking Socket, and no connection requests are queued, Accept throws a SocketException.
- Accept以同步方式從偵聽套接字的連接請求隊列中提取第一個掛起的連接請求,然後創建並返回新的Socket。Accept synchronously extracts the first pending connection request from the connection request queue of the listening socket, and then creates and returns a new Socket.
- 「auto」設置指定使用瀏覽器請求中的ACCEPT-LANGUAGE標頭(它提供用戶的語言首選項列表)設置區域性值。The "auto" setting specifies that the ACCEPT-LANGUAGE header in the browser request (which provides the user's language preference list) is used to set the culture value.
- 在PHP語言中,MIME類型通過hader函數實現。$_SERVER序列變數包含了伺服器端變數,允許程序員重定義Accept HTTP頭信息。In PHP, the MIME type is set through the header function. The %24_SERVER array contains the server variables, allowing us to interrogate the Accept HTTP header.
- 在ASP中,內容類型和字符集設定(charset)通過Response對象指定。ServerVariables集合允許程序員重定義Accept HTTP頭信息。In ASP, the content type and the charset are specified separately through the Response object. The ServerVariables collection allows us to interrogate the Accept HTTP header.
- 基於PC的Web伺服器和客戶瀏覽器之間的HTTP通信,是由它們各自調用了系統提供的Socket套接字,執行了Socket()、Bind()、Listen()、Accept()、Recv()、Send()、Close()等過程而完成的。After finishing the HTTP communication, Web server and browser transfer their Socket provided by system, then execute Socket (), Bind (), ListenO, Accept (), Recv(), SendO, Close ().