- Rachel who died last week was still above ground. 雷切爾上星期去世,現在還沒安葬。
- Optimum Design and Scheme Compasrision of Simple Sliding Trestle for above Ground Pipe Line 獨立式架空熱力管道滑動支架優化設計與方案比較
- I'd bet that I'd find her if she was above ground. 我打賭只要她還活著,我就會找到她。
- Occurring above ground or water. 地面或水面之上發生的。
- Every day above ground is a good day. 人生在世的每一天都是一個好日子。
- Communications above ground were not much better. 地面的通訊也好不到哪去。
- The explosion also killed two people above ground. 地面上還有兩人死於爆炸。
- He flies at heights of 6000 ft above ground level. 他在6000英尺的高空飛行。
- This family could hardly keep their heads above ground. 這家人幾乎沒法活下去了。
- An underground defensive position with a fortified projection above ground level for gun emplacements. 掩蔽壕,地堡一個地下防禦工事,有一個高幹地面的,用來放槍的防禦射擊處
- Various road and ramp crossings with some above ground leak detection and multiple below ground double wall pipe sections. 地上是各種道路和跑道縱橫,地下是雙重管道多層交錯。
- Seeing as if I go above ground and another inmate spots me, I'm a dead man. 如果我從這裡走出去會有獄友盯上我我就死定了。
- A jet stream is a narrow band of strong winds several kilometres above ground. 高空急流是距離地面數公里高的狹窄強風帶。
- The new buildings were built above ground level and cemented at the bottom. 這些新大樓建築在地水準平面上,底部用水泥粘合。
- No,above ground is fine in its way,but one's home should be underground. 是的,住在地上從某一方面是好的,但一個好的住處應該在地下。」
- For above ground installation, the receiver &launcher shall be horizontal, which center is about 1m high from ground, and shall be connected to underground pipe by nozzle stub and bend but not skewed crossing connection. 地面安裝時,收發球筒為卧式,中心距地面高度一般為1米左右,通過短管及彎管與地下管線連接,不宜採取斜交叉連接。
- Actually, "Underground" is a misnomer, because more than half the shops are above ground. 實際上,「地下」這個名稱用之不當,因為半數以上的店鋪是在地面上的。
- I ought to, and probably shall, remain above ground till there is scarcely a black hair on my head. 我應該可以留在世界上直到我的頭上幾乎沒有一根黑髮。
- In the next section, plant some above ground artichokes that will flower and produce a lovely fruit. 在下一圈種植長出地面的洋薊品種,它會開花並結出可愛的果實。
- Watts recommends installation indoors or above ground in an insulated enclosure. 美國瓦茨建議安裝在室內或地面上的保溫罩內。