- A balcony is a platform with a wall. 陽台是有牆的平台。
- The old town on the hill had a wall right round it. 小山上的古城四周有城牆。
- A wall divides our garden from theirs. 一道牆把我們的花園和他們的隔開。
- He crashed his car (into a wall). 他把汽車撞(到牆上)了。
- A continuous course of stones supporting a wall. 牆基層支撐一堵牆的一組連續的石塊
- The portion of a wall between windows. 窗間牆窗和窗之間的牆體
- I tore my coat on a nail that was sticking out from a wall. 我的上衣被一枚從牆上突出來的釘子鉤破了。
- The investigators were confronted by a wall of silence. 調查人員碰了壁,誰也不回答他們的問題。
- The bullet hit a wall and was deflected from its course. 子彈擊中牆壁而改變了方向。
- The brake fail and the car come to a stop against a wall. 剎車裝置失靈了,車撞到牆上才停下來。
- A long upholstered bench placed against or built into a wall. 軟長椅靠牆放置或安在牆上的軟型長凳
- A brick laid across rather than parallel with a wall. 露頭磚垂直而不是平行於牆根放置的磚塊
- You hang clothes on a peg fixed to a wall or door. 你把衣服掛在固定在牆上或門上的掛衣鉤上。
- The house was out of sight behind a wall. 房子被牆遮住看不見了。
- His face red with anger and frustration, he crossed to the wall phone to answer it. 他的臉由於憤怒與挫敗而漲得通紅。他走到懸挂電話的牆邊接聽電話。
- Material or masonry used to support a structure, such as a wall. 基礎材料用於支撐結構的材料或磚石建築,例如牆
- If we fill in that old fireplace, we'll have a wall free for bookshelves. 如果我們把那箇舊壁爐填平,我們可以騰出牆放書架了。
- The bus get out of control and run into a wall. 公車失去控制,撞上了牆。
- He scraped his car against a wall. 他的車子擦到牆壁。
- The football field is enclosed by a wall. 足球場被一道牆圍了起來。