- Fidelity to engagement is a virtue. 信守諾言是一種美德。
- "Patience is a virtue" is an old saying. "忍耐是美德"是句古老的諺語。
- Meekness is a virtue he appreciates in his wife. 溫順是他所欣賞的妻子的優點之一。
- Being short of money, I made a virtue of necessity and gave up smoking. 我因缺錢,倒也樂得把煙戒了。
- Honesty is a virtue while greed is an evil. 誠實是一種美德,而貪婪是一種罪惡。
- We would make a virtue of necessity. 我們要把迫不得已而為的事裝成出於好心而為。
- Forgiveness is a virtue of humility. 寬恕是一種謙虛的美德。
- Zeal,when it is a virtue,is a dangerous one. 熱情當作美德是危險的。
- A virtue unlooked-for in people so full of energy. 完全沒有料想到人們如此充滿熱情。
- It is a virtue to stick to one's promise. 遵守諾言是一種美德。
- Eve Kendall: Patience is a virtue. 伊芙·坎多:耐心是一種美德。
- Fourth, saving is no more a virtue. 第四點,儲蓄已經不是美德。
- Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave. 寬恕是一種勇敢者的美德。
- Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious. 愛國主義是邪惡的美德。
- Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. 大多數人被教育說忠誠是一種美德。
- A virtue of the press is to ventilate opinion. 媒體有一個職責就是發表意見。
- Show a good man his error, and he turn it to a virtue, but an ill, it doubles his fault. 指出好人的過錯,他會使之變為美德; 指出惡人的過失,他會變本加厲。
- Though modesty be a virtue, yet bashfulness is a vice. 儘管謙虛是一種美德,但害羞就成了缺點。
- Continence also has a limit, it won't be a virtue if exceeded. 克制也有個限度,超過了限度就不再是美德。
- Ambition,in a private man a vice ,is in a prince ,a virtue . 野心;在平民身上是罪惡;在帝王身上卻是美德.;---馬辛傑