- He is endued with a spirit of public service. 他富有為公眾服務的精神。
- He said it in a spirit of enmity. 他是懷著敵意說這話的。
- The act of conjuring up a spirit by incantation. 召鬼用咒語來召鬼的行動
- We need a spirit of enterprise if we are to overcome our difficulties. 如果我們要克服困難,我們就要有進取精神。
- Characterized or prompted by a spirit of rivalry. 出於好勝心的以競賽精神為特徵的或為其所激勵的
- We have a spirit of lofty enthusiasm. 我們滿懷豪情。
- A spirit presumed to speak or act through a medium. 附體鬼魂被認為會通過一個中間人(或物)來說話或行事的鬼魂
- It will evaporate like a spirit. 它將來總要像幽靈一樣化成雲煙。
- Immediately a spirit came out of the bottle. 一個妖怪立刻從瓶子里鑽出來了。
- Like a spirit of the purest beauty. 如同純潔之美的化身.
- Talent drew the red dot upon the spirit tablet that would grace the altar at home. 塔朗特用一個手指在靈牌上點殊,使府內祭台為之增色。
- A spirited quality in action or style; verve. 英勇行為或形式上的剛猛的品質; 活力
- You are like a flower, a spirit. 你像一朵花,或是一個精靈。
- A spirit of hopelessness pervaded the refugee camp. 絕望的情緒籠罩著難民營。
- There might be some cheating.' 'What, in front of Brother Yin's spirit tablet?' said Squinty angrily.'Cheating our dead Brother who's up in Heaven? 崔瞎子怒道:「在尹香主靈前,誰有這樣大的膽子,敢作弊欺瞞尹香主在天之靈?」
- He looked as if he had seen a spirit [ghost]. 他那副樣子好像見到鬼了。
- A person possessed by such a spirit. 預言者具有這樣心靈的人
- He was not a spirit or an immortal soul. 他不是鬼怪或不腐壞的靈魂。
- Level off the shelves with a spirit level. 用酒精水平儀把架子弄平。
- To serve as a medium for(a spirit guide). 作為靈媒做(精神導師的)媒介