- He gave me a second shot of penicillin. 他又給我打了一針青霉素。
- The train will leave in a second. 列車馬上要開了。
- The plane disappeared in a second. 飛機一轉眼就不見了。
- No, hold it a second, switch that to roast chicken. 不,等一等,把那個換成烤子雞。
- Evening came, and morning came, a second day. 黑夜再臨,晨光再現,是為第二天。
- Excuse me. bill. Back in a second. 對不起。比爾。一會兒就回來。
- He was elected to a second presidency. 他獲選連任總統。
- He bought a second hand bike good for 80 yuan. 他買了一輛值80元的二手自行車。
- He tried a second time only to fail again. 他再試一次,竟然還是失敗。
- I'll be ready in a fraction of a second. 我馬上就好。
- He was voted in for a second term of office. 他當選連任該職位。
- I got a second in the speech contest. 我在演講比賽中得了第二名。
- Darling, would you please wait a second. 親愛的,請稍等片刻。
- Do have a second helping there's heaps more. 再吃一些吧--東西多著呢。
- One thousand millionth of a second. 一秒的十億分之一。
- Some computers can perform over a billion computation a second. 有些計算機一秒鐘能完成超過十億次運算。
- I hope you give a second think to our counter offer. 我希望貴方重新考慮一下我們的還盤。
- If you twist my arm, I'll stay for a second beer. 如果你向我施壓的話,我會留下來喝第二杯啤酒
- An exposure of one- hundredth of a second will be enough. 百分之一秒的曝光時間就足夠了。
- As he was still hungry, he gobbled up a second sandwich. 因為還餓,他又狼吞虎咽地吃了第二塊三明治。