- A parolee shall be supervised by a public security organ. 被假釋的罪犯由公安機關予以監督。
- When making an arrest, a public security organ must produce an arrest warrant. 第七十一條公安機關逮捕人的時候,必須出示逮捕證。
- In the current great struggle to suppress counter-revolutionaries public security committees must be organized among the masses everywhere. 全國各地,必須在此次鎮壓反革命的偉大鬥爭中普遍地組織群眾的治安保衛委員會。
- Article65 A public security organ shall interrogate a detainee within24 hours after detention. 第六十五條公安機關對於被拘留的人,應當在拘留後的二十四小時以內進行訊問。
- A criminal released on parole shall be supervised by a public security organ during the test period of parole. 對於被假釋的罪犯,在假釋考驗期限內,由公安機關予以監督。
- When detaining a person, a public security organ must produce a detention warrant. 第六十四條公安機關拘留人的時候,必須出示拘留證。
- At last, construction on mass organization precaution net to fulfill a public security precaution system. 再次,體現在構建社區公共安全預防體系上,構造群防群治網路。
- Inexamining a case, the People's Procuratorate may request a public security organ to provide the evidence that is essential to the trial in court. 第一百四十條人民檢察院審查案件,可以要求公安機關提供法庭審判所必需的證據材料。
- Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker. 發音清晰對演說家至關重要。
- Sentence of public surveillance or deprivation of political rights that has been imposed on a criminal shall be executed by a public security organ. 第二百一十八條對於被判處管制、剝奪政治權利的罪犯,由公安機關執行。
- The first day of the month is a public holiday. 這個月的第一天是一個公共假日。
- When a public security organ demands the arrest of an offender, it shall obtain the approval of a people's procuratorate. 公安機關要求逮捕人犯的時候,由人民檢察院批准。
- There have been several burglaries in our residential quarters. In order to maintain order and security, a public security team has been set up. 我居民區最近發生多起撬門事件。為了維護小區秩序與安全,現已成立一個治安小組。
- Standing at the corner at which I often wait for bus, I found when a public security sentry box was set up beneath the ceiba. 站在我常常等車的那個拐角處,我發現不知何時木棉樹下已經多了一個治安崗亭。
- A public speaker needs a voice that carries (well). 演說家要有(很遠都能聽到的)洪亮嗓音。
- Constructing a public security system is necessary for adapting to rural social and economic development and bridging the urban-rural gap. 摘要構建農村公共保障體系,是適應農村社會經濟發展,縮小城鄉差距的必然要求。
- A public square or street with houses in a town. 廣場,街:鎮上的公共廣場或有房屋的街
- A sign or notice for display in a public place. 布告標語牌為在公共場合展示的通知或標語
- Where the traffic administration of a public security organ detains a vehicle, it shall not detain the goods carried by the vehicle. 公安機關交通管理部門扣留車輛的,不得扣留車輛所載貨物。
- A public celebration or spectacular pageant. 盛典公共慶祝活動或熱鬧的遊行