- Lalique was a name of a French artist. 萊儷曾經是一位法國藝術家的姓氏。
- The name of a named permission set of the policy level. 策略級別的命名的許可權集的名稱。
- A name of the upper boundary of the set of numbers. 一種數字集合的上界的名字。
- The book takes its title from the name of a national hero. 這本書以一位民族英雄的名字命名。
- He saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. 他發現有兩個賊從一家商店裡跑出來,向一輛等候著的小汽車跑去。
- A name of endearment; a pet name. 愛稱一種昵愛的稱呼;昵稱
- A name of endearment;a pet name. 愛稱一種昵愛的稱呼;昵稱
- The KMT is a shop of a century's standing. 國明黨猶如百年老店。
- A name of Carl the elderly, to dream of a lifetime around the world. 一個名叫卡爾的老人,一生都夢想著能環遊世界。
- I saw the vase in the window of a shop. 我在一家商店的櫥窗里看見了這個花瓶。
- Each group intitules a name of animal themselves. 並由此開始了一個過程性評價。
- I saw the woman emerging out of a shop. 我看見那個婦女從商店裡走出來。
- Two thieves rushed out of a shop. 兩個小偷從一家商店裡沖了出來。
- I would like to give you some advice in the name of a friend. 我願意以朋友的名義給你一些建議。
- A name of a drug, structure, or disease based on or derived from the name of a person. 人名名稱某藥品,結構或疾病因其發明或發現者而命名
- A name to conjure with name of a person, group, company, etc that is respected and influential. 受尊敬而有影響的人、團體、公司等的名字。
- The mention of a name brought him to himself. 提起某人的名字就使他清醒過來。
- With the help of a passer-by,I carry the injure person into a shop. 在一個過路人的幫助下,我把傷者抬進了一家商店。
- The spirit in his head shows solely, want to know, be in England, do not say financial trade public figure, it is Everyman also can sign up for a name of a few plute. 他的腦中靈光一現,要知道,在英國,不要說金融業人士,就是普通人也能報出幾個富豪名字。
- Have you thought of a name for the baby yet? 你想好給孩子起什麼名字沒有?