- A local newspaper remarks that crime is on the decrease. 一家地方報紙評論說犯罪案件在減少。
- A local newspaper remarked that crime was on the decrease. 一家地方報紙評論說犯罪案件在減少。
- I bought a copy of a local newspaper. 我買了一份當地的報紙。
- My sister is an editor for a local newspaper. 我姊姊是當地一家報社的編輯。
- He reports for a local newspaper. 他擔任一家地方報紙的記者。
- A provocative article in a local newspaper only served to fan the flames of rebellion. 地方報紙的一篇挑釁性文章只會對叛亂起煽風點火的作用。
- But a local newspaper has called for the state legislature to close the loophole. 但是當地的一報紙呼籲州立法機關堵上這種漏洞。
- A local newspaper remarked that inflation was not to be checked for the time being. 一個地方報紙評論說,通貨膨脹一時抑制不了。
- There is even an announcement of his birth in the archive of the Honolulu Advertiser, a local newspaper. 然而互聯網的流言蜚語才不管這一套,他們的理論是:這些都是偽造的。
- A provocative article in a local newspaper onl served toa fanwhe flc ames of rebellion. 地方報紙的一篇挑釁性文章只會對叛亂起煽風點火的作用。
- The local newspaper ran a feature on child labor. 地方報紙登載一篇有關童工的特寫。
- A Croatian man has offered to sell his kidney and cornea in an attempt to pay back loans worth35,000 euros, a local newspaper reported Thursday. 日前,克羅埃西亞的一家報紙報道說,為償還金額為3.;5萬歐元的貸款,該國一名男子已經表示要出售自己的腎臟和角膜。
- A Croatian man has offered to sell his kidney and cornea in an attempt to pay back loans worth 35,000 euros, a local newspaper reported Thursday. 日前,克羅埃西亞的一家報紙報道說,為償還金額為3.;5萬歐元的貸款,該國一名男子已經表示要出售自己的腎臟和角膜。
- Have Chinese officials changed their minds again on Green Dam - or was the one quoted today in a local newspaper just obfuscating? 國官員是否再次改變了有關「綠壩」過濾軟體的想法--抑或是當地報紙所作的引述模糊不清?
- But after a local newspaper reported that he died while drinking on the job, a public outcry ensued and the award was rescinded. 但是隨後一家當地報紙報道了他是因為喝酒而死,公眾反對聲隨後而來,獎章不得不被撤銷。
- Police say the trio broke into a local newspaper office housed in the same building in Vara, 200 miles south-west of Stockholm. 一夥盜賊意圖「光顧」一個電子器材商店,卻3次誤闖眼鏡鋪。事發瑞典首都斯德哥爾摩以西200英里。
- One of them told a local newspaper that 90 percent of the people who visit his antique shop in Deerfield, Wisconsin, say they watch the show. 在迪爾菲爾德,威斯康辛州一位店主告訴當地報紙說,百分之九十到他的古玩店的人說他們看過這個秀。
- Iraqi authorities have drafted contingency plans in case Obama orders a "sudden" withdrawal of all forces, according to a local newspaper. 據伊拉克一家報紙的報道,伊拉克當局已經起草了應急計劃,以應對奧巴馬突然命令撤出所有美國軍隊。
- Such is the demand that the Chinese manufacturers are making a special loan to Icelanders to buy them, according to a local newspaper. 根據當地報紙報道,因為這樣,所以中國廠商願意提供更多的特別貸款給冰島人來購買煙花。
- But it is also vital for it to do what only a local newspaper can: promptly and extensively chronicle the personally-important, otherwise-unreported details of community life. 但一份地區性的報紙也必須及時並廣泛地報導社區動態,