- A geographical area; a territory. 地區,地域地理上的區域;地區
- The flora and fauna native to a geographic area. 一地理區域所固有的動植物
- One Member of Parliament is chosen for each constituency - a geographical area. 每個選區的選民要選出一名議員,通常是根據地理區劃選區。
- Morgan: Where are the geographical areas of highest demand ? 哪個地區需求量最大?
- Locale information is language, monetary, time and other information specific for a geographical area. 本地信息可以是指定的某個區域的語言、貨幣、時間以及其它的信息。
- Local customs The conventions of a geographical area or territory for such things as date, time and currency formats. 地理地區協定或者領土信息,如日期,時間和貨幣格式。
- An electoral district is a geographical area represented by a member of the House of Commons. 選區是一個下議院議員所代表的一個地域上的地方。
- The difference between the two are that a franchise is granted to a single store whereas a license would cover typically a geographical area. 兩者之間的差額是專營權給予一個統一的網上商店的許可證,而將包括通常的地理區域。
- Canada is divided into 308 electoral districts. An electoral district is a geographical area represented by a member of the House of Commons. 加拿大劃分為308個選區,這些選區是由地理區域劃分,每一個選區將由一個下議院議員代表(一個下議院議席)。
- To be more precise, the second is an appellation of Peruvian origin, because the valley of Cumbe is a geographical area that gives certain distinctive properties to the Chirimoya. 講的更確切一些,它是秘魯的原產地名稱,因為Cumbe峽谷是一個使這一地區的蕃荔枝具有某些特性的地理區域。
- The climate of a large geographic area. 大氣候廣大地理區域內的氣候
- Abstract : The agglomeration theory states that enterprises within the same industry tend to agglomerate in a geographical area because of positive externalities. 摘要 :本文採用非平衡面板數據模型檢驗了公司治理機制對控股股東掏空的影響。
- Returns a collection of command objects. 返回命令對象的集合。
- One that explores, especially one that explores a geographic area. 勘探者,考察者:考察的人,尤指考察某一地理區域的人。
- A large elevated area of a sea floor. 海底斜坡大面積傾斜的海底
- A point or an area of traffic congestion. 交通瓶頸交通擁擠的地點或地區
- I am aware that the inter-bank payment system of a compact currency area as Hong Kong may not be directly applicable to the vast geographical area of the Mainland. 據我了解,像香港這類面積細小的貨幣地區所採用的銀行同業支付系統,應該不可以直接適用於幅員廣大的內地。
- The expanded area of a leaf or petal; a blade. 葉片葉子或瓣的延展部分; 葉子
- A geographic area composed chiefly of land that varies little in elevation. 平原地區主要由高度上無顯著變化的陸地構成的地理區域
- Weather is determined by the simultaneous occurrence of several meteorological elements at a geographical locality or over broad areas of the earth. 天氣是由在某一地理位置或者地球表面上廣袤地區同時出現的若干氣象要素的綜合作用所決定的。