- Please don't use my good handkerchief for a dust cloth! 請別把我的手帕當抹布來用。
- The car raised quite a dust as we drove off. 我們走時車子揚起了一陣塵土。
- A dust particle weighs only a thousandth of a gram. 一粒塵埃的重量僅有千分之一克。
- All of the trucks raised a dust. 這些車輛捲起一團團煙塵。
- That boy always raises a dust about everything. 那個男孩對任何事都大驚小怪。
- The car raised quite a dust as it drove past. 汽車開過時揚起了一陣塵土。
- Do you need a dust jacket for the book? 這本書需要防塵外套嗎?
- The car raised a dust as it went by. 汽車走過時揚起一片塵土。
- A solar energy collector;a dust collector. 太陽能集電器;集塵器
- Give the furniture a rub with the dust cloth before the guests arrive. 在客人到達以前,用抹布把傢具擦一擦!
- Of this world, every individual is just a dust. 對這個世界而言,每個人只是一粒塵埃。
- It is dispersed either by thermal volatilization or as a dust. 它用加熱蒸發或粉塵的方式散發。
- Bush eyes, eyes wiping cloth for lint, ultrafine dust cloth, superfine fiber dust cloth, ordinary dust cloth. 眼睛布,眼睛擦拭布,超細無塵布,超細纖維無塵布,普通無塵布
- He flicked away the dust with a cloth. 他用一塊布拂去灰塵。
- Even Brighton on the south coast got a dusting. 甚至在英國南部的布賴頓也出現了降雪。
- Everyone was kicking up a dust because the train was running late. 由於火車晚點, 大家七嘴八舌, 議論紛紛。
- Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill. 棉布是由棉紡廠生產的。
- This morning I thoroughly cleaned the room with a dust catcher. 今天早晨我用吸塵器把屋裡抽吸得很乾凈。
- She sopped up the spilt milk with a cloth. 她用一塊布抹去溢出的牛奶。
- Motherly love, like a dust, in my mind is so insignificant. 母愛,猶如一粒塵埃,在我心裡是那麼的微不足道。