CVD diamond thick film is a pure diamond material with full polycrystallinity synthesized by chethecal va-por deposition method.It can be in a thick sheet form of freestanding. 金剛石厚膜片是採用化學氣相沉積的方法製備出來的一種金晶質多晶純金剛石材料,其物理性能和天然金剛石非常接近,而化學性質則完全相同。
In this paper, the high performance of diamond film coated tools were expounded by testing the property of diamond film coating with SEM and comparision with natural diamond. 用掃描電鏡等方式檢測金剛石鍍膜的性能,並與天然金剛石的相關參數進行比較,闡明了金剛石塗層刀具的優異性能。