- The water had worn a channel in the rock. 水把岩石衝出了一條溝。
- A channel over which pilot signal is transmitted. 可在其上傳輸導頻信號的一種通道。
- A channel in which a tidal current runs. 潮汐水道潮汐流在其中流動的水道
- A channel or conductor capable of transmitting signals. 一種能傳輸信號的通道或導線。
- Point to the row selector button and drag the row to a new location. 指向行選定器按鈕並拖動行到新的位置。
- The stream eroded a channel in the solid rock. 小溪在硬石中侵蝕成一條水道。
- The torrent scoured a channel down the hillside. 急流沿著山坡衝出了一條溝。
- English: The font selector button shows the name of the font and its point size. The name is also shown in bold, italic, or regular type. 字體選擇器按鈕顯示字體的名稱和大小。名稱上也顯示粗體、斜體或規則類型。
- The torrent scoured a channel down the hillside . 急流沿著山坡衝出了一條溝。
- The stream had washed (out) a channel in the sand. 小河在沙地上衝出了一條溝。
- Please select a channel to begin with from left. 請從左邊選擇一個頻道。
- In his work, he found a channel for all his energy. 他在工作中找到了釋放自己精力的渠道。
- Washout: A channel produced by such erosion. 沖潰處:這樣的沖刷造成的缺口。
- A channel consists of a host address and a port. 一條通道由一個主機地址和一個埠組成。
- Defines settings for the alpha channel selector operand for triadic (multiply, add, and linear interpolation) operations identified by the TextureArgument enumeration. 為三則運算(乘、加和線性插補)的alpha通道選擇器操作數定義設置,該操作數由TextureArgument枚舉標識。
- Use this method to stop listening on a channel. 使用此方法停止偵聽通道。
- A channel produced by such erosion. 沖潰處這樣的沖刷造成的缺口
- The stream had scoured a channel. 那溪流衝出了一條水溝。
- Back Course Approach Mode Selector Button 反向航路進近模式選擇器按鈕
- A stream that flows through such a channel. 流經干谷的溪流