- What drives is a male youth, in a back row place male 50 year old of scene, two person of attires are fastidious. 駕車的是一名男青年,後排座上的男子50歲光景,兩人都衣著講究。
- I am not entirely a back number, Taylor. 泰勒,我還不是一個毫無力量的人。
- They sat downstairs in a double seat in the back row. 他們坐在樓下後排的雙人座位上。
- There is a front and a back entrance to the house. 這所房子有一個前門和一個後門。
- We were sitting in the back row. 我們坐在後排。
- Do you know the man, the second in the back row? 你認識後排第二個人嗎?
- Do you prefer to sit in the front row or back row? 你願坐前排還是坐後排?
- The usher seated me in the Back row. 引座員給我提供後排的一個座位
- The father was giving a back to the son. 父親正彎著腰讓兒子做跳蛙遊戲。
- May I change my seat to back row? 後面有空位.;我可以換個位置嗎?
- Stand out that man in the back row. 後排的那個士兵,出列。
- The guide seated me in the back row. 導遊給我提供後排的一個座位。
- He was badly beaten up in a back alley . 他在後巷裡被人毒打。
- What if that nightmare gave you a back kick? 倘若那場惡夢像母馬[77]似的尥蹶子,踢你一腳呢?
- He was badly beaten up in a back alley. 他在後巷裡被人毒打。
- Mike: Front row tickets to the Springsteen concert. 邁克:要一張音樂會的第一排的票。
- It doesn't matter. It was a back number anyway. 沒關係,反正是本過期的雜誌。
- The handstand was followed by a back flip. 先倒立,接著後空翻。
- Back row of the driving show in the flickering light. 觀光車的最後一排顯出搖動的燈光。
- The operation cannot be performed on a back link. 操作不能在一個後部鏈接上執行。