- Zhuang zi' s proses 莊子散文
- Is Zhuang Zi a Native of Mengcheng? 莊子蒙城人說質疑?
- Zhuang Zi responded : "You are not me. 惠施問:「你不是魚,怎麼知魚之樂?」
- As for Zhuang Zi"s philosophical major idea is how to protect himself or Peripateticism , Scholars have different views. 對於莊子哲學的主旨是「全身」還是「逍遙」,學界有不同的看法。
- To define mental freedom as the main point of Zhuang Zi"s philosophy need demonstrate the relationship between Peripateticism and the other parts. 將逍遙遊(精神自由)作為莊子哲學的主旨,對此所作的論證是通過考察逍遙遊和莊子哲學的其他部分之間的關係展開的。
- All of these images annotate Zhuang Zi"s knowledge and pursuing of the beauty and implicate Zhuang Zi" s plentiful and profound appreciation of beauty feelings. 這此形象群詮釋著莊子對美的認識和追求,蘊涵著莊子豐富而深刻的人生審美感受。
- The essence of Zhuang Zi" s aesthetics is aesthetics of life, which establishes on the Way of Zhuang Zi" s philosophy basisAnd points to loving care for individual life. 莊子美學的本質是人生美學,是建立在莊子哲學基礎「道」之上的一種指向人生對個體生命進行終極關懷的美學。
- Zhuang Zi's skepticism is actually a skeptic attitude towards language. 摘要莊子的懷疑論其實是對語言本身的懷疑。
- Sellars''s prose is elegant and slightly reminiscent of her subject''s... 但是,作者已經把這些事情的大概情節和分析的理論說清楚了,大家一定也已經明白其中的道理了。
- The core of Zhuang Zi's philosophy is life, whose final tenet is free and easygoing spirit. 在復歸原始無望的情況下,莊子對個體生命價值的體認最終落實到精神的自由與逍遙上。
- Considering the plights in reality, Zhuang Zi viewed spiritual freedom as the ultimate ideal of life. 莊子立足於現實的種種困境,以實現人生的逍遙遊為最高境界。
- Lao Zi, Confucious, Mo Zi, Mencius, Zhuang Zi, Xun Zi and Han Fei are representatives of this period. 老子、孔子、墨子、孟子、莊子、荀子和韓非是這些人當中的代表。
- The culture quality of Zang Kejia"s prose came from his cultivation in language, tradition and humanism spirits. 臧克家散文的文化品位來源於他的語言品位、傳統修養和人格精神。
- Zhuang Zi was one of the few pre-qin scholars who made important statements about language. 摘要在先秦諸子中,莊子是少數曾對語言提出重要意見的人。
- Xu wei"s prose; characteristics; historical origins; historical status; periodization;form; emotion; tension. 18徐渭散文;特色;淵源;地位;分期;情感;形式;張力
- We can draw the conclusion that Zhuang Zi's Taoism aims to treat problems from the cosmic viewpoint. 莊子的道觀是一種宇宙觀,就是從宇宙的巨視看待問題和人生的方法。
- Liberty is a category of western philosophy and politics,but what Zhuang Zi said was Peripateticism. 自由是西方政治和哲學的範疇,莊子講的是逍遙遊。
- If we consider the major idea of Zhuang Zi philosophy, we must define Peripateticism as liberty. 定莊子哲學的主旨為精神自由,首先必須界定逍遙遊為自由。
- The paper reviews Dong, Qiao"s prose, and finds that its cultural nostalgia yearns for exquisite cultural tradition, which ranges over Chinese culture and western culture. 縱觀董橋散文,其文化鄉愁就是對精緻文化傳統的留戀,這種文化範圍涵蓋中西;
- Lao Zi stresses the naturalness of humanity while Zhuang Zi emphasizes the authenticity and freedom of human nature. 老子所突出者,為性之本然、自然,莊子則更強調性之本真、自由。