- Comrade Zhou Enlai finally departed from us. 周恩來同志和我們永別了。
- Zhou Enlai was too astute to rail against reality. 周恩來是一個非常精明的人,他不會詛咒現實。
- Zhou Enlai sent us another unmistakable signal. 周恩來又給我們發來了一個明確無誤的信號。
- This tree was planted by Zhou Enlai. 此樹系周恩來手植。
- Zhou Enlai reciprocated by designating Huang Zhen from Paris. 周恩來相應地把黃鎮從巴黎調回委以新任。
- Abstract: Plentiful construction idea of incorrupt government was embodied among Zhou Enlai's numerous masterpieces, discussions and speeches. 摘 要: 在周恩來的眾多著作、論述和講話中,體現了豐富的廉政建設思想。
- Premier Zhou Enlai talked about this question as early as in 1953. 這個問題周恩來總理在一九五三年就講過。
- Please take me to the Zhou Enlai and Deny Yingchao Memorial Hall. 請載我去周鄧紀念館。
- The dance epic was created on the initiative of Premier Zhou Enlai. 這部作品是在周恩來的倡導下進行的。
- Missed: the true servant of the people Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Mr. Zhou Enlai, miss their "pursuit of truth, patriotic, devoted, and selfless devotion," the great spirit and charisma! 懷念:真正的人民公僕,孫中山先生,周恩來先生,懷念他們「追求真理,愛國愛民,鞠躬盡瘁,無私奉獻」的偉大精神和人格魅力!
- Our beloved Premier Zhou Enlai once said: "live and learn. 我們敬愛的周總理曾經說過:「活到老,學到老。」
- He was friends with Zhou Enlai and served under Chiang Kaishek. 他和周恩來是好朋友並且服務於蔣介石。
- The team' s spirit sank to zero after its third defeat. 第三次失敗后球隊士氣降至最低點。
- Our past premier Zhou Enlai grew up on the rich land of Huai'an. 淮安這片沃土養育了一代偉人周恩來。
- Some teachers may say this is not Kong, Ah Q's spirit? 可能有的老師講這不是孔乙己、阿Q的精神嗎?
- Premier Zhou Enlai once met Panchen Erdeni Chosgyi Gyantsen. 周恩來曾會見班禪額爾德尼·確吉堅贊。
- To study Zhou Enlai's charismatic personality and meet the demand of the socialist modernist construction, the concept of the Zhou Enlai Spirit has been put forward recently. 摘要為深入研究周恩來的人格風範,適應社會主義現代化建設的需要,近年來,學術界提出了「周恩來的精神」這一概念。
- Moons of Mars NASA's Spirit rover photographed the two moons of Mars. 漫步者發回的圖片,兩個衛星圍繞火星。
- The late Premier Zhou Enlai is still remembered by many Chinese people. 已故的周總理仍為許多中國人所懷念。
- The good news elevated everyone 's spirits. 這個好消息鼓舞了每個人的情緒。