- Zhang Ai Ling and her novel has an important position in modern Chinese literature history. 摘要張愛玲及其小說在中國現代文學史上具有重要的地位。
- Zhang Ai ling's text filled up Chinese literary circle's story catholicity in over 90's obsence with the gorgeous and fascinating story originally. 摘要張愛玲文本以華麗精彩的故事性填補了90年代以來的中國文壇故事普遍性缺席的局面;
- Zhang ai ling life is a gorgeous gown with lice crawling over. 張愛玲,生命是一襲華美的袍,爬滿了虱子。
- Zhang Ai ling's text is should be worldly, but the customs get such compactness, making people find out there a kind of consign. 張愛玲的文本是世俗的,但是世俗得如此精緻,使人們在她那裡找到了一種寄託。
- On the figure of speech rhetoric used in Zhang Ai Ling's novels 論張愛玲小說中的比喻修辭
- Taking marriage and love as the main theme,Zhang Ai ling usually writes on marriage concerning economy,morbid love,inharmonious family and subsequent unhappy life. 張愛玲的小說以婚戀現象為主要題材 ,多寫經濟婚姻、病態情愛、家庭的不和諧、愛情的不圓滿以及由此而來的人生不幸。
- ZHANG Ai - ling' s novel 張愛玲小說
- On Metaphor Art of Zhang Ai Ling's Works 淺談張愛玲作品的比喻藝術
- Creative mentality is the cause of Zhang Ailing』s novels』 「sombre」 meaning. 創作心態是張愛玲小說「蒼涼」意味形成的原因。
- Zhang ai ling 張愛玲
- The British image in Lao She s novels has op... 老舍小說中的英國形象為讀者打開了一扇審視世界的窗戶。
- Objective To seek the plentifulness of Zhang Ailing s novels artistic form commanded by the ideological content. 目的:探尋張愛玲小說思想性統率下的藝術形式的豐富性。
- On the Response - Inviting Structure of Zhang Ai - ling's Novels 論張愛玲小說的召喚性
- A defect in Zhang Ping『s novels that can not be neglected is the apparent mood of journal articles and the stereotyped style. 明顯的「新聞化」和「模式化」傾向是張平反腐小說中不容忽視的缺陷
- Zhao Shuli s novels embodies elegance from its popularization. 趙樹理小說在通俗化中呈現出了高雅的氛圍。
- Many critics saw flashes of E.H. in the young M.'s novel. 許多評論家稱在年輕的M.;的小說中有海明威的影子。
- This time by the imperial aggression of the island, "Ai Ling Island" so decided to hold a ceremony to revive Aron devil. 這個時候,受到帝國侵略的小島「艾靈島」決定舉行一場讓魔王阿隆復活的儀式。
- Second , it will analyze the comedic style of Wang xiao-bo"s novels . 喜劇性在王小波的小說創作觀念中佔有著非常重要的地位;
- Feelings of Townspeople in Zhang Ai - ling's Prose 論張愛玲散文創作的市民情結
- This essay analyses the irrational passion in Stefan Zweig"s novels. 本文對茨威格小說中的非理性激情進行研究。