- The random error is the main error of laser gyro. 隨機誤差是激光陀螺的主要誤差。
- DDC112 is applied in the cavity length control system of laser gyro. 介紹了DDC112在激光陀螺的腔長控制系統中的應用。
- Temperature is one of the most important elements that affect the precision of ring laser gyro (RLG). 摘要針對激光陀螺的零偏受溫度影響較大,為提高陀螺精度,研究了二頻機抖激光陀螺抖動頻率與溫度之間的關係。
- Techniques borrowed from the ring laser gyro can be adapted to fluid flow measurement. 借環形激光陀螺儀的技術,加以改進使之適用於流體流量的測量。
- Thermal effects impose the greatest limit on the precision of a ring laser gyro (RLG). 溫度是制約提高陀螺精度的重要因素。
- Temperature is one of the most important elements that affect the precision of ring laser gyro(RLG). 針對激光陀螺的零偏受溫度影響較大,為提高陀螺精度,研究了二頻機抖激光陀螺抖動頻率與溫度之間的關係。
- Error Analysis and Simulation of Ring Laser Gyro Strapdown Inertial Navigation System[J]. 引用該論文 吉翠萍;陳勇;雷宏傑;韓宗虎;陳林峰.
- The main features of C8051F120 MCU and it's application in the Laser Gyro Controller are introduced. 介紹了C8051F120單片機的主要性能特點及其在激光陀螺穩頻控制器中的應用。
- Langmuir Flow Effects in Ring Laser Gyros[J]. 引用該論文 袁曉東;高伯龍;曾明;張斌.
- Waveform in lock-in area of mechanically dithered ring laser gyro (RLG) and output of the old phase demodulator were analyzed by computer simulation. 利用計算機模擬分析了機械抖動激光陀螺過鎖區的各種可能波形及原有鑒相方法相應的鑒相結果,從中發現了原鑒相方法存在的問題。
- To eliminate dynamic lock-in error of dithered ring laser gyro,it is desirable to inject a pseudo-random noise into the dither. 向抖動中注入高斯概率密度的隨機雜訊,以消除抖動偏頻激光陀螺的動態閉鎖誤差。
- To three-axis laser SINS,besides the conning motion introduced by carrier,there are conning motion introduced by dithering of three-axis laser gyro. 對三軸機抖激光陀螺捷聯慣導系統,除了彈體運動可能引入圓錐運動外,三軸機抖激光陀螺產生的機械抖動也會在慣導系統中引入圓錐運動。
- The mechanical dithering of ring laser gyro (RLG) brings pseudo coning motion for strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) with dithered RLG. 摘要對於機抖激光陀螺捷聯慣導系統,激光陀螺的機械抖動偏頻引入偽圓錐運動。
- A theoretical study of the mode difference between the left and right elliptically polarized light in the differential laser gyro is presented. 理論分析了四頻差動激光陀螺中左、右旋橢圓偏振模式的非對稱性。
- This paper describes random error sources, and introduces the method of Allan variance and its application at characterizing the performance of a Ring Laser Gyro(RLG). 本文討論了環形激光陀螺(RLG)的隨機雜訊及其產生機理,並介紹了國外常用的用於評估RLG和其它精密測量儀器性能的Alan方差法,最後,應用Alan方差法來分析某型號環形激光陀螺的誤差特性。
- A new calibration technique was proposed for strapdown inertial measurement unit according to simplified model of ring laser gyro(RLG) and quartz accelerometer. 根據激光陀螺和石英加速度計的簡化輸出模型,推導並提出了一種新的激光陀螺慣性測量組合標定方法。
- The new circuit directly digitizes the photocurrent of laser gyro successfully, and meets the need of high precision cavity length control system of laser gyro. 用設計的新電路實現了激光陀螺光電流的直接數字化,滿足高精度腔長控制的要求。
- He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock. 他在門上鑿了個孔,以便裝一把新鎖。
- This lock can only be opened from the inside. 這把鎖只能從裡面打開。
- A time sequence model of laser gyro random error is set up,model parameter is estimated with RLS algorithm,and random drift data are processed by Kalman filter base on the model. 採用時間序列分析方法建立激光陀螺隨機誤差模型,應用遞推最小二乘(RLS)法估計模型的參數,在此基礎上對激光陀螺的漂移數據進行了卡爾曼濾波,結果表明:該方法能有效地抑制激光陀螺的隨機誤差,提高了激光陀螺的精度。