Since the leakage current through the zener diodes results in a voltage drop across the resistor, low leakage zener devices are desirable. 由於流過齊納二極體的泄漏電流會在電阻器上產生電壓降,所以希望使用低漏電的齊納二極體。
Each relay driver is an open - collector transistor with a suppression diode. 每一個中繼驅動器是一個集電極開環的三極體和一個穩壓二極體。
Client software development is introduced with the example of zener diode tester software design, and multiple threads technology is explained emphatically. 以穩壓二極體測試儀的軟體開發為例介紹了客戶端的軟體開發,著重介紹了多線程技術的應用。