- Those Zeiss lenses havegreat reputations. 它們用的蔡司鏡頭可是名聲在外啊。
- Carl Zeiss does not dither about. 蔡司對於作坊的未來是躊躇滿志。
- They also gave demonstrations through the Zeiss projector. 他們還用蔡司投影機進行了表演。
- While in 1986, Carl Zeiss Jena resumed production of cameras. 1986年,耶拿東蔡重新開始生產相機。
- EOS1V, AI-EOS RING, CARL ZEISS ZF25 2.8, AGFA ULTRA 100.... 偶很少拍人像,用的又是非人像頭,多包涵(非電子環,全部全開光圈)...
- In1863 Carl Zeiss is appointed supplier to the Grand-Ducal court. 1863年,卡爾.;蔡司成為宮廷的指定提供商。
- Still, the history of Zeiss is primarily a history of microscopes. 蔡司的歷史主要是顯微鏡的歷史。
- And so an initial merger plan was not accepted by the Carl Zeiss Jena firm. 最初的合併計劃沒能被耶拿東蔡所接受。
- Zeiss measuring machine and are looking to the future direction of development. 蔡司及其測量機都是著眼於未來的方向而發展。
- The mass production of prism binoculars by Zeiss then began in 1894. 1894年蔡司公司開始大量生產稜鏡雙目望遠鏡。
- Some campanies have taken the measures that not let the women do the work which would come in cotact with the harmful materials so that protect the unborn child. 有些公司已採取了措施,不讓婦女從事可能接觸有害物質的工作,以便保護未出生的孩子。
- Second-division Carl Zeiss Jena upset Arminia Bielefeld 2-1 in extra time, with Jan Simak converting a penalty in the 116th minute for the winner. 乙級聯賽的耶拿憑藉西馬克在加時賽第116分鐘時罰進的點球將比勒費爾德以2:1淘汰出局。
- Carl Zeiss dissolved their amateur telescope division located at Jena in the Fall of 1995. 卡爾蔡司於1995年秋天,解散了原耶拿的業餘天文望遠鏡部門。
- Results were recorded by confocal Ca 2+ imaging with a Zeiss LSM-510 confocal microscopic system. 實驗結果均由 Zeiss L SM- 5 10激光共聚焦顯微鏡系統記錄。
- The results of comparison measurement with the Sira standard test lens and the Carl Zeiss lens are also given. 給出了與Sira標準校驗透鏡和西德Zeiss鋼套照相物鏡比對測量的結果。
- Yet by 1989 Carl Zeiss Jena was the largest of East Germany's 120 state owned corporations (Kombinate). 但是到1989年時,耶拿東蔡仍然是東德國有最大的120家公司(生產聯合體)之一。
- Carl Zeiss Jena continued to rely on a far less sophisticated network of independent agents. 耶拿東蔡則繼續依賴其舊有的獨立機構網路進行經營。
- Only the very best films today are capable to use fully the performance of the Carl Zeiss T* ZM-mount lenses. 只有最好的膠捲才能發揮ZM的全部性能,看來還是膠捲牛,但是他又說ZM超越了膠捲啊,看來數碼還差的有點遠?
- As diplomatic relations between East and West were closing, both Zeiss companies sought out new sources. 隨著東西兩德外交關係的終結,東西兩家蔡司公司也開始自尋出路了。
- Carl Zeiss MicroImaging (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. is a 100% daughter company of Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH in Germany. 蔡司顯微成像(蘇州)有限公司是德國蔡司顯微成像公司的全資子公司。