- Title: Taking heart as happy:Li Yus Health Esthetics View. 關鍵詞:李漁;"以心為樂";養生美學觀
- The eels lived happily ever after, and the Yus got richer and richer. 以後,這些鰻魚們快樂地生活著,余家也越來越富有。
- The hat symbolizes the crest of Caddy household and 7 pearl Yus show royal blue blood on the hat. 冠象徵著凱迪拉克家族的紋章,冠上7顆珍珠喻示皇家的貴族血統。
- The YUS Conservation Area, in the remote eastern Huon peninsula, covers 76,000 hectares from the coast up to peaks of nearby 4,000 meters. 這一名為YUS的保護區位於休恩半島的東部遠端,面積為76,000公頃,從海岸到山峰區延伸4000米。
- "The conservation area will help the people of YUS better manage their natural resources," said Karau Kuna, Jr, a PNG national and GIS Mapping Coordinator for TKCP. 「保護區將幫助YUS地區的居民們更好地管理他們的自然資源,」巴布亞紐幾內亞國家和TKCP地理信息系統繪製協調員卡勞.;庫納說道。
- Even though eels are a great delicacy for most Chinese, the Yus never killed anything, so their servants put the eels into a big pottery urn and prepared to let them go someday. 但是余家從未殺生,余家的僕人們就把這些鰻魚放到一個大瓮里,準備哪天把它們放掉。
- "The YUS Conservation Area is part of PNG's contribution to the worldwide community in the fight against global warming and other environmental issues we are all facing. 「對於與全球變暖和其它我們正在面對的環境問題進行鬥爭的全世界各個組織來說,YUS自然保護區是巴布亞紐幾內亞對其所做貢獻的一個組成部分。」
- Even though eels are a great delicacy for most Chinese, the Yus never killed anything, so their servants put the eels into a big pottery urn and prepared to let them go someday. 但是余家從未殺生,遂余家的僕人們就把這些鰻魚放到一個大瓮里,準備哪天把它們放掉。
- Urgent! The inner takes 5 day 6 box Yus are graceful , gestation , the foreboding fall through , the palace cavity accumulates blood , stream of people skill queen. 您的位置:我也知道>醫療健康>婦產科>急!5天內服用6盒毓婷,懷孕、先兆流產、宮腔積血、人流術后。
- Dlob yus bil eb. 四個水神靈。
- TKCP and CI will continue to work with the PNG government and local communities to seek creation of additional conservation areas in the country, using the YUS Conservation Area as a model. TKCP和CI將繼續與巴布亞紐幾內亞政府和當地社團協同工作,以YUS自然保護區為模版,在這個國家創建更多的自然保護區。
- That day, Zhu Ge-liang in at army account it play QQ games,come over the Yus not saying Zhou: 「Bright brother!We have only 200 arrows at present, if Cao Jun attacked over, can』t keep out!「 . 話說那一日,諸葛亮正在中軍帳里打QQ遊戲,周瑜過來說:「亮哥!我們目前只有二百支箭了,曹軍攻打過來的話,抵擋不住啊!」 .
- HAN Yus Experience of Life and Poetry Writing after Being Banished to Chaozhou 韓愈貶謫潮州的人生體驗與詩文創作
- The eels lived happily ever after, and the Yus got richer and richer 從此,這些鰻魚們快樂的生活著,余家也越來越富有
- (two) old visitors one family Yus are new when status happens , the supplement revises a palpus immediately. (三)各分企業或公司主管應協助和監督業務員做好「客一戶資料卡」的建立工作。
- Vidákovich 維達科維奇
- Feďkovich 費季科維奇
- Veľkovich 韋利科維奇
- Faľkovich 法利科維奇
- Bosnyákovich 博什尼亞科維奇