- The seedling have shrivel up a bit in the hot sun. 在炎熱的太陽光下,幼苗已有一點乾枯。
- So Sun Quan had Guan Yu and his son put to death. 於是,孫權處死了關羽父子。
- The eggs began to decompose after a day in the sun. 雞蛋在太陽下放了一天後開始變壞。
- He didn't agree to Xiao Yu [her] taking up the job. 他不同意小余[她]擔任這項工作。
- Comrade Yu will explain the matter to you. 余同志會給你們說明這件事的。
- It gets cold quickly when the sun goes down. 太陽下山後天氣很快就會冷下來。
- The trees outside the window blocked off the sun. 窗外的樹木擋住了陽光。
- Keep the sun behind you when you take a photo. 拍照時要讓太陽留在你的身後。
- There is nothing unconquerable under the sun. 世上沒有不可征服的東西。
- The sun glared down relentlessly. 太陽毫不留情地發出強烈的光。
- The sun glare out of the blue sky. 太陽從藍天中發出耀眼的光。
- A brilliant sun lit up their rooms. 燦爛的陽光照亮了他們的屋子。
- The wet clothes will soon dry in the sun. 濕衣服在太陽下很快就會幹的。
- I adviced him to make hay while the sun shone. 我勸他抓緊時機。
- I lay in the sun all day and was burned to a crisp. 我在太陽底下躺了一天,都快烤焦了。
- Plant need water the way they need sun light. 植物需要水就像它們需要陽光一樣。
- The red sun lights up the sky and the earth. 紅太陽照亮了天空和大地。
- Yu Sok opposite家墳Taoyuan Bus Stop, shopping are: Blue Maple International, the Taiping Lake City! 對面有玉桃園索家墳公交車站,購物有:楓藍國際,太平湖市等!
- The sun came out and dried up the streets. 太陽出來把馬路晒乾了。
- The sun burst through after the clouds rolled away. 烏雲滾滾而去后,太陽破雲而出。