- Xu YY, Yu CH, Chen YP, Fang JG.The research design and analysis of diagnostic and screening test[M].In: Fang JG, eds.Medical Statistics and Computer Experiments. 2nd ed. 徐勇勇;宇傳華;陳平雁;方積乾.;診斷和篩查試驗的研究設計與分析[M]
- Ch an Ching Wai World Intelligence Project. 清偉全球智能工程。
- My three carters Ching ch&mg I. Feb. 11. 2月11日,青江驛(今會寧縣境內)客棧院內,三個馬車夫。
- The Ching court began to feel its rule threatened. 清廷開始感到自己的統治受到了威脅。
- Joan of Arc was made a saint in 1920. 1920年,貞德被追封為聖女。
- 5]Xu YY, Yu CH, Chen YP, Fang JG.The research design and analysis of diagnostic and screening test[M].In: Fang JG, eds.Medical Statistics and Computer Experiments. 2nd ed. 徐勇勇;宇傳華;陳平雁;方積乾.;診斷和篩查試驗的研究設計與分析[M]
- He didn't agree to Xiao Yu [her] taking up the job. 他不同意小余[她]擔任這項工作。
- The film suddenly jumped from the events of 1920 to those of 1930. 那電影從1920年的事突然跳到1930年的事。
- Comrade Yu will explain the matter to you. 余同志會給你們說明這件事的。
- Are we looking at the Ang Lee of music? 我們看到了一個音樂界的李安嗎?
- The college was founded in 1920. 這所學院於1920年建立。
- Cardox was invented in the USA in 1920. 二氧化碳爆破筒是在1920年由美國發明的。
- Mrs. Ching was stunned by this news. 秦太太給這一炮打懵了。
- Ang, Ien. Watching Dallas. London: Methuen, 1985. 《觀看〈達拉斯〉》。倫敦:梅圖恩出版社,1985年版。
- Mrs Ching sensed a rebuke in these words. 秦太太嘗出了話里的釘子。
- Miss T'ang opened her eyes wide in amazement. 唐小姐也睜大了眼。
- The company was founded in 1920. 這家公司建於1920年。
- Feature audio commentary with Director Ang Lee. 導演李安解說音軌。
- Continue climb to FL260 on radial190 CH. 在ch方位190度繼續爬升到高度層260。
- The first edition appeared in 1920. 第一個版本出現在1920年。